Yes, and I admit to being one of them. The NO was indeed an abomination. How can one deny that, seeing what it’s become?
It has become the normative rite of Mass for the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. It is the Mass that the Pope celebrates as well as 80% of all the bishops of the Catholic Church.
How can someone deny that it is an abomination? Well, certainly, anti-Catholics will be glad to call it an abomination. But an abomination is something profoundly evil and sinful.
How can a Catholic call an approved rite of Mass an abomination? Ok, you didn’t ask that question, but I would certainly wonder that.
What “has the Novus Ordo become” in your opinion. I’ve seen a change of translations in the English text – the use of Pro Multis as “for many”. I was told 20 years ago by so-called traditionalists that that would never change. In fact, some claimed that the greatest reason for the Tridentine Mass to be used today was because of the Pro Multis mistranslation. Now today – ooops. The translation was corrected.
My conclusion, so-called traditionalists are filled with despair and lack of faith in the power of God to make improvements in the Church.
All of the bishops of the world, including Abp. Lefevbre voted to change the 1962 Missal. Then, a decade later, traditionalists claimed that the 1962 Missal should never change.
And none of that reverent NO stuff, either. NO wasn’t manufactured to be celebrated “reverently”; otherwise they would have left the Old Mass alone if they wanted reverence.
This again is where you’re not quite right. All of the bishops of the world, including Abp. Lefevbre voted to change the 1962 Missal. They produced and signed a document stating that the “Old Mass” would indeed be changed. Why?
In fact, don’t they want to change it again? Aren’t they happy with having one celebrated in just about every language now?
Given that there are traditional Masses in just about every diocese in the United States and virtually nobody attends them, I would say that people are mostly happy with the Novus Ordo, but the Pope recognizes that some changes are needed.
Over time, the Novus Ordo will resemble the Tridentine Mass more and there really won’t be an issue. Meanwhile, I don’t think anybody should imagine that the 1962 Missal should be a permanent feature of the Roman Rite. The bishops have already recognized together in an Ecumenical Council that that liturgical rite needed changes – as it had changed in prior centuries. Eventually, a changed edition of that liturgy as a hybrid with the new rite will be the Mass of Rome and of the Pope – and therefore of Latin Rite Catholics.
I was said to be “out of line” when I pointed out that there are errors in the traditionalist movement. I’ll say that you’re quite out of line to call the Mass of the Holy Father and celebrated by many good priests throughout the world an “abomination”. Then again, you could be an anti-Catholic agitator so it would be understandable, but still not excusable.