Men cannot love. They can like but they cannot love.
So why does are Lord ask Simon if Simon loves Him???
So why does are Lord ask Simon if Simon loves Him???
Where on earth did such a bizarre notion come from that men cannot love?
Like the others, I wonder where you came up with this idea…Jesus said this:Men cannot love. They can like but they cannot love.
So why does are Lord ask Simon if Simon loves Him???
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38*"This is the great and foremost commandment. 39*"The second is like it,
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40"On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."Men cannot love. They can like but they cannot love.
So why does are Lord ask Simon if Simon loves Him???
Hmm… You are saying “Men cannot love”, but you (a man) say that YOU (unlike other men) can.Men cannot give love to others. They can only like others. They can like their wife and children. They can only receive love. He can feel loved by his wife and love how she makes him feel. This is all because of Original Sin.
There are a few exceptions. Our Lord, the prophet Jeremiah, John the Baptist… but this is because they received Mystical Baptism. This is what is meant by “Before you were born I CONSECRATED you.”
Our Blessed Mother was conceived without sin - she was full of grace. And Full of LOVE. Do you understand?
Men crave love. They cannot give love. All they can get from other men is attention-seeking respect/admiration. They want the love of women who are capable of loving. And from other men the respect/admiration for maintaining the CODE OF HONOR of the group. And they then also feel like they deserve to be loved.
MEN LOVE BEING LOVED BUT THEY CANNOT RETURN THE LOVE WITH LOVE. The result is that women can only be loved by other women who can love. No man can love them…
Because, yes, some women can give love. And some women are just like men - they cannot give love but only can receive it. (These latter women give women a bad reputation as quasi-narcissist, quasi-borderline personalities…think men in bad moods. Think Tony Soprano’s mother etc. etc. etc.)
Before the Fall we loved ourselves, we loved others, we loved God…we were filled with love. But now at best men like themselves and they like others but it is always a struggle…with hatred always there. Men, (I personally cannot do this), CAN HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN HE HATES. He can have hateful sex. Disgusting but true. Men can explode or fester hatefully with rage or foul thought. They CANNOT through love: they cannot if you will explode with love or be consumed by it.
Many also have foul disordered thoughts. Most people are some where between narcissists and borderline personalities disorders. This is because of the Fall. Only Our Lord is the spiritual doctor.
OK. Here’s my revelation to you and the internet:
I am a man.
I can love.
I have never met a man like me.
Ever since I can remember OTHER MEN would look at me and accuse me of being a narcissist… because I LOVE MYSELF. Men could NEVER realize that YES I love myself AND I CAN ALSO LOVE OTHERS. Understandably since 99.99999% of men cannot love others let alone love themselves.
This is really weird. I’ve never heard of such a thing.Men cannot give love to others. They can only like others. They can like their wife and children. They can only receive love. He can feel loved by his wife and love how she makes him feel. This is all because of Original Sin.
There are a few exceptions. Our Lord, the prophet Jeremiah, John the Baptist… but this is because they received Mystical Baptism. This is what is meant by “Before you were born I CONSECRATED you.”
Our Blessed Mother was conceived without sin - she was full of grace. And Full of LOVE. Do you understand?
Men crave love. They cannot give love. All they can get from other men is attention-seeking respect/admiration. They want the love of women who are capable of loving. And from other men the respect/admiration for maintaining the CODE OF HONOR of the group. And they then also feel like they deserve to be loved.
MEN LOVE BEING LOVED BUT THEY CANNOT RETURN THE LOVE WITH LOVE. The result is that women can only be loved by other women who can love. No man can love them…
Because, yes, some women can give love. And some women are just like men - they cannot give love but only can receive it. (These latter women give women a bad reputation as quasi-narcissist, quasi-borderline personalities…think men in bad moods. Think Tony Soprano’s mother etc. etc. etc.)
Before the Fall we loved ourselves, we loved others, we loved God…we were filled with love. But now at best men like themselves and they like others but it is always a struggle…with hatred always there. Men, (I personally cannot do this), CAN HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN HE HATES. He can have hateful sex. Disgusting but true. Men can explode or fester hatefully with rage or foul thought. They CANNOT through love: they cannot if you will explode with love or be consumed by it.
Many also have foul disordered thoughts. Most people are some where between narcissists and borderline personalities disorders. This is because of the Fall. Only Our Lord is the spiritual doctor.
OK. Here’s my revelation to you and the internet:
I am a man.
I can love.
I have never met a man like me.
Ever since I can remember OTHER MEN would look at me and accuse me of being a narcissist… because I LOVE MYSELF. Men could NEVER realize that YES I love myself AND I CAN ALSO LOVE OTHERS. Understandably since 99.99999% of men cannot love others let alone love themselves.
It always TOTALLY mystifies them. (How do you tell a colorblind person what red is or blue or green or yellow etc.)
Since I was in Nursery School and EVER SINCE when girls find out I can GIVE LOVE they come up to me in droves and ask me: “[My real name], do you love me?” Or they would ask me on behalf of some girl that I had NEVER EVEN MET I love them once they hear about me. This is how DESPERATE women are to be LOVED BY A MAN.
BECAUSE MEN CANNOT LOVE. We were thrown out of paradise.
Yes, I received mystical baptism according to some. Yes, I received graces through my reception of the Eucharist - it is known as the experience of the prayer of union that’s what I realized when I read Teresa of Avila. But I digress. OR PERHAPS, it has nothing to do with mystical baptism… and it is simply a grace from God… also a burden…AN AWFULLY ANNOYING BURDEN I CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE NOW.
In any case, I feel absolutely certain that Our Lord, and many of the prophets, and John the Baptist received a similar reception.
Some people who read this will know who I am. I have never met or heard of any man like me…who can love others…
Theological/Philosophical points: Because of the Fall men cannot give love but Our Lord said to Simon to paraphrase badly:
“Simon you know that I love you. You denied me three times. I suffered and died and was resurrected. You see the holes in my hands and feet. You know I love you. So if you want to love me then FEED MY LAMBS.”
So if you feed a hungry person, visit a prisoner etc you are doing it to and for the Lord in APPRECIATION for His love for you. Men cannot give love but they can feel or at least know/be aware of God’s love for them… Now some women can love. Think of Blessed Mother Theresa - she loved Our Lord but our Lord gave Blessed Mother Theresa the experience of the Dark Night.