Men CANNOT love.

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Honestly, are you people living under a rock?

OK. Let me try this again.

Men cannot love others. He cannot GIVE love to others. He can only RECEIVE. But some women can give love while some women are just like men and cannot give love.

Now some of you men are like “I love our Lord.” or “I love my wife.”
And my response is: “NO you don’t love our Lord. Now listen and study this carefully - your wife or some woman who can love given time may be able to explain this better to you…*** You don’t love Jesus. *** You don’t feel love TOWARDS Jesus. YOU CANNOT because of the stain of Original Sin. You ONLY FEEL JESUS’ LOVE FOR YOU. YOU LOVE HOW JESUS MAKES YOU FEEL. Beginning to understand now? This is going to be difficult for you like explaining to a colorblind person what red or blue looks like.”

A woman who can love emanates love outwardly. Still don’t understand?

Ask a woman who can love and has patience- not one who cannot love to explain…

Our Lord could love others. John the Baptist could love others. There were some exceptions. St. Joseph. Those who received Mystical Baptism. They felt loved by God and they loved God. Try to understand the difference.

Once again, if you are a man married to a woman who can love- you feel her love for you - this is what you love: her love for you. But you cannot love your wife. You can ***follow ***the moral/societal rules of what a good husband/father does so you feel you deserve to be loved but you cannot actually love. This is why our Lord did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.

Study it.
What do you mean when you make the difference between love and giving love? Is giving love not loving? Where does this love come from in women?
We cannot love Jesus the proper way, that is true, if we don’t love him like he did us. But we are given the possibility through His love (and by accepting Him Original sin is washed away). So that love is grace, but we can achieve this if we want to. The other kinds of love are earthly, which were used by pagans too. So to me yes, men can love, once again.
I showed you that there are many degrees in love; saying that no one can love because no one can agape is wrong, since some can love philea and this is still love, just a lesser form of it.
I think you mix all the degrees of love together and say we cannot love because we only recieve.
opus aquinas you have known love and now you can love others. Women have a gap in love as well but it is easier for them to overcome by having to love children after all the pain and trial they are confirmed in love of their child. The matter is that there are men out there that love but it is mostly the love of self, where one does not see the love of God in all. When you see in everything love manifested, you will want to partake and help heal the pain of sin. And understand there are two types of sin. Mortal sin, where one turns away from the love of God, into death (by assuming that something can separate you from God’s love and then blinding yourself from it), and venial sin, where one sees and knows God’s love through the baptism of the Holy Spirit (the heavenly fruit) and fails to love fully. The good works whom God has laid for us men now who have known love before the foundation of the world, i think will be different but you can not know it unless you become weak. If you believe yourself strong, you are confounded and can not fully see the glory God has laid out for those that love Love. For God has chosen the weak of this world to confound the wise. Always crave to realize love more fully, and the LORD will make your path straight and your joy full. Love without dissimulation Rom 12:9
You still don’t understand.

A man cannot love. There are a few exceptions in history. Our Lord. Jeremiah the prophet. John the Baptist. I am repeating myself.

Here look at the difference between statements A and B:
A) “I love how you make me feel. I can feel how much you love me. And it makes me feel so good. So I’ll do whatever you say because your love for me is so important to me. I’ll buy you a mink coat. I’ll fast. I’ll go to mass. etc. etc. etc.”
B) “I love you. You are beautiful. You are worthy to be loved no matter how you feel about me. When I look at you I can feel my love burning for you in my soul.”

It sounds subtle but it makes all the difference in the world.
You still don’t understand.

A man cannot love. There are a few exceptions in history. Our Lord. Jeremiah the prophet. John the Baptist. I am repeating myself.

Here look at the difference between statements A and B:
A) “I love how you make me feel. I can feel how much you love me. And it makes me feel so good. So I’ll do whatever you say because your love for me is so important to me. I’ll buy you a mink coat. I’ll fast. I’ll go to mass. etc. etc. etc.”
B) “I love you. You are beautiful. You are worthy to be loved no matter how you feel about me. When I look at you I can feel my love burning for you in my soul.”

It sounds subtle but it makes all the difference in the world./QUOTE

It seems to me like you don’t give arguments. It sounds like you would say it is so because it is so.
YOU assume that man cannot love.
I would say I love how you make me feel, but I would also say, should you stop to love me, I wouldn’t stop to love you.
Why have women the monopole of unconditional love? PLease bring not just opinions or statements, but arguments. :tiphat: Thank you.
What do you mean when you make the difference between love and giving love? Is giving love not loving? Where does this love come from in women?
We cannot love Jesus the proper way, that is true, if we don’t love him like he did us. But we are given the possibility through His love (and by accepting Him Original sin is washed away). So that love is grace, but we can achieve this if we want to. The other kinds of love are earthly, which were used by pagans too. So to me yes, men can love, once again.
I showed you that there are many degrees in love; saying that no one can love because no one can agape is wrong, since some can love philea and this is still love, just a lesser form of it.
I think you mix all the degrees of love together and say we cannot love because we only recieve.
No you don’t understand. Because of the stain of original sin men cannot love others - love outwardly - or put another way give love. You feel our Lord’s love for you but you cannot love our Lord. You love how our Lord makes you feel.

Agape love. Phileo love. No man can experience unless he received mystical baptism.

(Oh but I can love others. This is why I understand. I claim boldly to be one of the exceptions.)

Ask a woman who can love to explain why they ACHE to be loved but as they grow older accept that men cannot love. Men can act out of appreciation for being loved. They’ll do things to show appreciation for the wife’s love. They’ll follow all the societal rules like remembering birthdays and anniversaries…

Our Lord knows this that’s why He commanded Simon to feed His lambs - if you love me do this.

But men cannot actually feel love outwardly. You just love being loved.
No you don’t understand. Because of the stain of original sin men cannot love others - love outwardly - or put another way give love. You feel our Lord’s love for you but you cannot love our Lord. You love how our Lord makes you feel.

Agape love. Phileo love. No man can experience unless he received mystical baptism.

(Oh but I can love others. This is why I understand. I claim boldly to be one of the exceptions.)

Ask a woman who can love to explain why they ACHE to be loved but as they grow older accept that men cannot love. Men can act out of appreciation for being loved. They’ll do things to show appreciation for the wife’s love. They’ll follow all the societal rules like remembering birthdays and anniversaries…

Our Lord knows this that’s why He commanded Simon to feed His lambs - if you love me do this.

But men cannot actually feel love outwardly. You just love being loved.

This is like explaining to the colorblind what red or blue looks like.
Did Eve not recieve the stain?
And, do you think that we as baptised still have that stain? Because we are baptised!

And I know you mean we cannot love the proper way (even if women do, and this is nonsense), but even if it is hard to do, we can, thanks to Jesus. You mean our merits aren’t enough maybe. True. but Merits are given value through the sacrifice of Christ, and HIs infinite merits. SO our weaknesses can be offered as sacrifice because of Jesus.
Thank you for the above explanation. Now we can be sure that the view point expressed in the Title and opening post is a personal one and not one based on any specific Scripture or Magisterial teaching.

MarcoPG in his post brings out a good point in asking about the different kinds of love (Greek words that are translated as “love”.
It appears that you are primarily describing “eros” in your post above.

I would suggest though that you consider the words of God recorded in Holy Scripture as it relates to this subject and reconsider this “revelation” that you believe you have had.

I’ve known a great many men (and women) who would talk tough - but when it came right down to it, could and did love deeply. Not perfectly mind you…but Love none the less.

Scripture never mentions bell curves or arithmetics.

You don’t know what eros or agape or phileo love is because you cannot love. You cannot give love to others. You can only follow directions. Our Lord knows this so He left us instructions.
Did Eve not recieve the stain?
And, do you think we as baptised stil have that stain?
Yes for some reason: some women can love others. Only the Lord knows why. Why are some born blind? And some see.

Yes the stain of original sin: concupiscence. The stain of original sin of course
explains why there are drugs, pornography, self-harm, jealousy, pride, lust etc. etc. And why men cannot love.

Adam and Eve loved themselves, loved each other and loved God. Filled with grace just like our Blessed Mother. But now we are mourning and weeping in a valley of tears. Men cannot love. Only some women.

So what happens. Often men and the women who cannot love -will hurt other people around them because they say to themselves well if that person is hurt by my remarks they must care about me. These people seek to be loved! but since they cannot be loved because so many cannot give love they hurt each other as their only release. Think about it carefully this happens everyday everywhere. :rolleyes:
Where on earth did such a bizarre notion come from that men cannot love?
I am going to guess that you are a woman who can love… so I am shocked that you did not know that men cannot love. They love being loved and do things in appreciation for being loved but they cannot love outright.

… hmm but may be you are one of those women who cannot love… and this is why you did not know?

or you’re just sweetly naive - well God bless you. Speak to your girlfriends about this post.
Yes for some reason: some women can love others. Only the Lord knows why. Why are some born blind? And some see.

Yes the stain of original sin: concupiscence. The stain of original sin of course
explains why there are drugs, pornography, self-harm, jealousy, pride, lust etc. etc. And why men cannot love.

Adam and Eve loved themselves, loved each other and loved God. Filled with grace just like our Blessed Mother. But now we are mourning and weeping in a valley of tears. Men cannot love. Only some women.

So what happens. Often men and the women who cannot love -will hurt other people around them because they say to themselves well if that person is hurt by my remarks they must care about me. These people seek to be loved! but since they cannot be loved because so many cannot give love they hurt each other as their only release. Think about it carefully this happens everyday everywhere. :rolleyes:
Eve would be alone in the Garden of Eden. That is not catholic. Or show me this in the Bible, that Eve did not sin and was thrown out.
That women can love doesn’t prove anything. Jesus said love more than you already do. That means love was possible, just not to that degree.

Babies born blind should then regain sight with baptism!? Original sin is a stain, a decease, not a punishment on the whole Humanity.

Why then do you sin as a woman, if your ancestor didn’t get it? Why do you need a saviour? Is this catholic? Jesus said he is come for us, and Mary Magdalene is an “exception for you” but there would be no exceptions if only men were guilty.

If you eat of the fruit you shall die. And Eve ate and gave it to Adam. And she do not have the stain? Explain this.
Again please cite sources and don’t make final statements without them please. We can’t discuss on dogma. 😛
Do you think I can’t love you inconditionally? Because I think I do, even if by your standards I should not be able. Am I delusional…? 🤷
Doesn’t it bother you that this is in contrast with the Church you’re in?
Than no woman can either. So you’ll have to prove this point since the definition of love now resolves in the love of God.
Oh boy you guys.

I can see how the Lord groaned…

Just because some women can love does not mean they do not have original sin. They do. They can love but also they often just “like” themselves. And the trap they fall under is just because they can love does not mean they know how to love. For example, I can remember girls like these are often targeted taken advantage of because they can love but they don’t love themselves.

So no they did not receive mystical baptism. And they like everyone else even those who have need our Lord to be saved.
Do you think I can’t love you inconditionally? Because I think I do, even if by your standards I should not be able. Am I delusional…? 🤷
Doesn’t it bother you that this is in contrast with the Church you’re in?
Women suffer from the effects of original sin but some of them are not affected in the way men are. Some of them, God only knows why, are capable of being loving.

You cannot love but you can follow instructions on what God wants.

It is in keeping with the Church. The Truth is always in keeping with the Church. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Men cannot love but they can follow the instructions left by our Lord: Simon feed my lambs: feed the hungry, visit the imprisoned etc. If you love me follow my commands. OK. But some can actually love our Lord while doing it.
Oh boy you guys.

I can see how the Lord groaned…

Just because some women can love does not mean they do not have original sin. They do. They can love but also they often just “like” themselves. And the trap they fall under is just because they can love does not mean they know how to love. For example, I can remember girls like these are often targeted taken advantage of because they can love but they don’t love themselves.

So no they did not receive mystical baptism. And they like everyone else even those who have need our Lord to be saved.
Please give us evidence. Please!
You just said the contrary, at least partly, and Original sin, you have it fully or you don’t.

I don’t want to be rude, but either you are very confused, or you know that you are wrong but still want that to be true. I feel anger towards men. I don’t know why. I hope I am wrong. In any case, I will pray for you, that to show you my love for you, and even if I don’t know you so you can’t say I have interest, and also following your logic i would have all the reasons to hate you. But I don’t. Am I one of the exceptions? (I wish :D)
Women suffer from the effects of original sin but some of them are not affected in the way men are. Some of them, God only knows why, are capable of being loving.

You cannot love but you can follow instructions on what God wants.
Where do you find this? BIble? Tradition? If you are a theologian, you should use quotes from one of those.
We cannot love but we can follow instructions. Why did Jesus fulfill the law, by saing love your brother like yourself? If I accept that, I don’t just follow rules, I place my will in parallel with Jesus’ thus God’s.
Where do you find this? BIble? Tradition? If you are a theologian, you should use quotes from one of those.
We cannot love but we can follow instructions. Why did Jesus fulfill the law, by saing love your brother like yourself? If I accept that, I don’t just follow rules, I place my will in parallel with Jesus’ thus God’s.
I cannot understand your thought pattern or your English.

Ask a woman who you know that can love about this post. They will have the time and patience to explain it to you. 👍

Good point: Our Lord knows people only love themselves.
I cannot understand your thought pattern or your English.

Ask a woman who you know that can love about this post. They will have the time and patience to explain it to you. 👍

Good point: Our Lord knows people only love themselves.
Where do you find this? In the BIble? From the Tradition?
If you are a theologian, you should use quotes from one of those.

“We cannot love but we can follow instructions”, you say.
Why did Jesus fulfill the law, by saying “love your brother like yourself”? If I accept that, I don’t just follow rules, I place my will in parallel with Jesus’ will, thus God’s.

And still you don’t give evidence. If you say we just follow but woman actually do love actively, are they not both following the commandment of love? Or do women not need this command?

Jesus says: if someone loves, he will follow my commandments. So to follow Jesus, we have to love him. And that we can do, you said.
Where is the consistency?
We should ask that question to you: Since the Church rejects what you say, why are you still part of the Church?
Hmm… You are saying “Men cannot love”, but you (a man) say that YOU (unlike other men) can.

Who are you to speak for what others can or cannot do?

You make generalizations of what men can do. Imagine if you said- “Women can’t love”. YOu would be considered an offensive sexist. Well, I consider your generalisation offensive and sexist.
Again, ask a woman who can love about this post and she will if she thinks worth it patiently explain this to you.
Again, ask a woman who can love about this post and she will if she thinks worth it patiently explain this to you.
Since you brought that up, I think you should be able to explain this by yourself. Aren’t you one of the women who can love?

If I claim something, either I use the conditional, or I bring evidence. Getting someone else isn’t evidence.
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