What do you mean when you make the difference between love and giving love? Is giving love not loving? Where does this love come from in women?Honestly, are you people living under a rock?
OK. Let me try this again.
Men cannot love others. He cannot GIVE love to others. He can only RECEIVE. But some women can give love while some women are just like men and cannot give love.
Now some of you men are like “I love our Lord.” or “I love my wife.”
And my response is: “NO you don’t love our Lord. Now listen and study this carefully - your wife or some woman who can love given time may be able to explain this better to you…*** You don’t love Jesus. *** You don’t feel love TOWARDS Jesus. YOU CANNOT because of the stain of Original Sin. You ONLY FEEL JESUS’ LOVE FOR YOU. YOU LOVE HOW JESUS MAKES YOU FEEL. Beginning to understand now? This is going to be difficult for you like explaining to a colorblind person what red or blue looks like.”
A woman who can love emanates love outwardly. Still don’t understand?
Ask a woman who can love and has patience- not one who cannot love to explain…
Our Lord could love others. John the Baptist could love others. There were some exceptions. St. Joseph. Those who received Mystical Baptism. They felt loved by God and they loved God. Try to understand the difference.
Once again, if you are a man married to a woman who can love- you feel her love for you - this is what you love: her love for you. But you cannot love your wife. You can ***follow ***the moral/societal rules of what a good husband/father does so you feel you deserve to be loved but you cannot actually love. This is why our Lord did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
Study it.
We cannot love Jesus the proper way, that is true, if we don’t love him like he did us. But we are given the possibility through His love (and by accepting Him Original sin is washed away). So that love is grace, but we can achieve this if we want to. The other kinds of love are earthly, which were used by pagans too. So to me yes, men can love, once again.
I showed you that there are many degrees in love; saying that no one can love because no one can agape is wrong, since some can love philea and this is still love, just a lesser form of it.
I think you mix all the degrees of love together and say we cannot love because we only recieve.