After taking a good amount of time to consider your reply, I think that we’ve pushed this discussion about as far as it can go, because we have a fundamental disagreement as to the capabilities of reason. I don’t put much merit in it, because it almost invariably entails assumptions. Now if you recognize them as such, then you’re fine, but the problem is that a great number of people don’t recognize them, and that’s where reasoning fails.
The whole point of reason is that it is objective. Math is objective - it doesn’t matter your opinion on the multiplication tables, they are true whether you want them to be or not.
Reasoning and math aren’t the same. Reasoning is rarely objective. And in the case of metaphysics I would argue that it isn’t objective at all. But you’re more than welcome to disagree, after all, there’s no reason to believe that my reasoning is any more objective than yours.
So the question isn’t whether you’re right, or I’m right, the question is, what definitive proof is there that either of us is right? So it simply comes down to your opinion versus mine. But where I come out ahead, is that I’m willing to accept that fact, and you’re not. Or have I assumed incorrectly?
Your whole argument subtly implies that reason is not an objective way to obtain knowledge, but that line of thinking undermines your whole argument, since reason is the very thing you are attempting to use to undermine my argument and bolster your own.
You are indeed correct in that I don’t believe that reasoning is an objective means of obtaining knowledge. At least when that reasoning is based upon assumptions. Which happens far more often than people realize. In fact, I’m using assumptions right now. Of course if you disagree, then perhaps I’m not using assumptions, perhaps I’m just using reason.
So you see, reasoning isn’t all that reliable, whether it’s mine, or yours, or Aquinas’. When you rely upon reasoning for your knowledge you had better be pretty dang sure that what you assume to be true, actually is true. Otherwise all the reasoning in the world won’t help you.