If you and your wife do go ahead with adoption, I wish you everything good, every success, and wonderful children. My own children, now 21 and 22, could not be better people or make me more proud, and that includes my son who came to the realization of his homosexuality about 18 months ago, and whom I love without reserve, just as I do my daughter. I really do wish your family the best of everything.
Thank you so much! Your family is a beautiful thing which everyone should take note of. You deserve to be proud of what you have done and the family you raised. We should all work hard to encourage adoption.
I’m happy to hear you have no reservations about the degree of love for your son. I was just talking with a friend about this same issue; what if my son or daughter turned out to be homosexual. He said that he would disown him or her. I told him that would be a terrible thing. I would love my son or daughter all the same whether they were gay, straight, mentally handicapped, blind, deformed, or whatever. What I could not condone or approve of is their behavior if they acted on their homosexual tendencies, I explained. Just as I would not approve of them doing any sort of bad or destructive behavior be it stealing, infidelity, or short temperedness. I would with charity and love explain to them the dangers of that kind of lifestyle. We all have natural tendencies or deficiencies which we have to fight and overcome. For some it’s anger, others a tendency to gossip, or even sexual temptation. Some people are born blind, deformed, mentally handicapped, and some with same gender attraction. We are commanded to love these people because we are them too. No one is exempt from nature. Those who appear to be perfect, with beauty, intelligence, wealth, and all that one thinks makes someone perfect, must deal with pride or envy. Again there are no exceptions in this regard. These are the crosses we must bear. But still, all the same, every human being is created in the image and likeness of God, and we are to love them.
It’s been a lapse in proper faith formation and education that the distinction between the sin and the sinner has eroded. The distinction has been lost, with many faithful seeing the sin and the sinner as one and attacking the person, while many liberal and atheist types see them as one and accepting the sin along with the sinner. The devil is probably pleased with both these situations.
To conclude here, remember, as Christians, as human beings, we should rise above and fight against our natural tendencies and concupiscence. They are remnants of the animal physicality we evolved from. Secondly, separate sin from the sinner. We need to fight, wage war against, and destroy sin, not people.