Some people are as naturally attracted to people of he same sex as others are to people of opposite sex. Why is it unnatural for one group to act on their acttraction?Parts of Natural [Moral] Law include men providing for the welfare and safety of woman, wife, and children. A man’s natural attraction to a woman, along with their natural bonding is part of that plan. Similarly the bonding, mothering, nurturing, and general care giving to children, husbands, and parents is part of the woman’s design. The children produced in this design are society, and will later full fill the role of the man or woman. Certainly today society can afford many forms of protection and even the role of a provider. Notice the “Oct Mom” who will receive all her safety, protection, as welfare from society, which is you and I. Sadly though even this state welfare cannot overcome the natural balance, survey after survey, study after study, shows these children raised without a father are far more likely to be troubled individuals. These are why man changing the design is a violate of Natural [Moral] Law.
hope that helps