Take away the lyrics of many modern hymns and they sound like pop or contemporay folk tunes, the lyrics just happen to mention Jesus.Much of the music that is complained about is not profane. It is not secular.
And the standard is Gregorian Chant, which is to be given first place in liturgical services - but is it?One Catholic has not right to hold others to standards greater than what the Church holds them.
Compare the melodies to the following two popualr hymns (not to mention the lyrics, the English one , the Latin one :heaven and it seems to me that the Latin one has an easier to sing melody. Simpler melodies make it easier to participate. Now yes, some chant can be very complex, which is why the Popes have given us Jubilate Deo and the Graduale Simplex and there are other books of simple chant.
Before we start singing the ‘pop’ hymns shouldn’t we all pick up Jubilate Deo and start singing the Mass, as per Vatican IIs decrees.