Thank you ATe. You hit the nail on the head. We have dropped off the map as no longer newsworthy. To make matters worse, I read in the paper that the tornado that hit Lakeview yesterday morning tore off the rooves of quite a few of the flooded houses. These homes will now have to come down instead of being rebuilt.
Zooey is right too. The insurance companies are dragging their feet. One person I have talked to got $83 for the storm damage. Another got a preliminary check for $2,000 and was told weeks later that they owed the insurance company $250 because the estimate was too low. Still others are finding that their initial settlement will not cover the cost of repairs because of the rise in the cost of materials from the estimate five months ago to today.
Meanwhile, we have had an exceptionally warm winter and the Gulf did not cool down. The levees are not repaired much less strenghtened and hurricane season is rapidly approaching.
Zooey is right too. The insurance companies are dragging their feet. One person I have talked to got $83 for the storm damage. Another got a preliminary check for $2,000 and was told weeks later that they owed the insurance company $250 because the estimate was too low. Still others are finding that their initial settlement will not cover the cost of repairs because of the rise in the cost of materials from the estimate five months ago to today.
Meanwhile, we have had an exceptionally warm winter and the Gulf did not cool down. The levees are not repaired much less strenghtened and hurricane season is rapidly approaching.