Michael Moore: Overturning Roe v. Wade Is an ‘Act of Violence’

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Valuable view on the thinking of the national leftists.
Moore is a microcosm of this type of inverted thinking.


Michael Moore: Overturning Roe v. Wade Is an ‘Act of Violence’​


11 Oct 2020

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore said Sunday on MSNBC attempting to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that ruled in favor of the right to abortion is an “act of violence.” . . .

. . . Saying that we want to take away Roe v. Wade when 70% of the country supports Roe v. Wade and forcing women back into back-alley abortions, that is an act of violence. . . .
I’m getting the impression that this is a tactic, Moore not being the first, to either intimidate (actual violence will follow the said “violence”, so don’t dare to do that “violence”), or (worse) to encourage actual violence if they don’t get their way.
Valuable view on the thinking of the national leftists.
I wonder what would you say is someone would declare that the skinheads, the neonazis and other violent white supremacists in Charlottesville would present a “valuable” view into the thinking of the national “rightists”. It would be just as incorrect as equating Moore’s view with the general “leftism”.

It is fine to criticize others and their views, but to equate the ultra-anything with the mainstream thinking is not a good idea.
Zerge . . .
I wonder what would you say is someone would declare that the skinheads, the neonazis and other violent white supremacists . . . would present a “valuable” view into the thinking of the national “rightists”. It would be just as incorrect as equating Moore’s view with the general “leftism”.
Except you changed my premise from national leftists to general leftism.

The problem with that Zerge is ALL the national leftists favor Government protection of premeditated murder of innocent pre-born babies.

Every last politician among the leftists do.
All the national leftist activists (at least the ones that say) do too. Or virtually all.

But absolutely NONE of the people of the national right, assert white supremicism.

None of them.

Don’t you see the difference?

Would you mind giving me a list of all the Democrats (except Lipinski who is in the process of being removed) who you would consider Pro-Life Zerge?
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Except you changed my premise from national leftists to general leftism.
I have no idea who would be “national” leftists. Also whom would you call “national rightists”. There are some extremists on both sides, that is beyond dispute. But to equate the mainstream with the extremism is a very bad idea.

And of course you talk about ALL the national leftists (whoever they are) and ALL the national rightists (also whoever they are) and thus you make an unfounded generalization. Not a good idea.
Zerge . . .
And of course you talk about ALL the national leftists (whoever they are) and ALL the national rightists (also whoever they are) and thus you make an unfounded generalization.
Do you think each and EVERY single leftist politician being a pro-abort is an overgeneralization too?

And where is that list of all the leftists that are pro-life?

Where do you think national leftists Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fall with regards to life Zerge?

And how 'bout that list from you of all those righties who are white supremacists?
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I have heard Michael Moore say that President Trump will win again. And that Biden supporters need to wake up and vote, because they are going to loose. Interesting, been that Moore is anti Trump.
Do you think each and EVERY single leftist politician being a pro-abort is an overgeneralization too?
Of course. Since I have no information about ANYONE who would be pro-abortion. I only know about some people who are pro-choice.
And where is that list of all the leftists that are pro-life?
Again, unfounded over-generalization. Personally I am pro-life, and that is all can say. I have absolutely no idea about the opinion of ALL the leftists… and neither do you. Why do you keep demanding a list that I never mentioned or promised?
Where do you think national leftists Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fall with regards to life Zerge?
What is the definition and the list of “national leftists”? You keep talking about “national leftists”, not I.
And how 'bout that list from you of all those righties who are white supremacists?
Since I only said that it would be incorrect to equate all “rightists” with “white supremacists” your demand is either in bad faith or something even worse.

I only said that unfounded generalizations are usually loaded with problems and as such they are not wise. And, of course I admit my ignorance about the classification of “national left” and “national right”. For me these are undefined terms, but since they have some ill-defined resemblance to national socialism (or Nazism), which has a very negative overtones, I would suggest to drop its use.
Zerge . . .
Since I have no information about ANYONE who would be pro-abortion. I only know about some people who are pro-choice.

To the readers here. Draw your own conclusions.
Zerge on national left . . .
I would suggest to drop its use.

When I used the term “left”,
people here thought I was applying it to THEM,
even on threads that explicitly had to do with influential national leftist figures.

I am done trying to get terminology poltically more acceptable.

I would suggest you craft your own posts the way you want to.

But I have to have that same freedom.

I stand by everything I wrote here.


To the readers here.

Every SINGLE leftist politician is a pro-abort.

They are ALL for protecting the premeditated murder of pre-born living human beings.

100% of them (with the POSSIBLE exception of Lipinski who was a silent “voice” and is now being removed by his fellow leftists).

There will be no pretending (from me anyway) that I do not know where these vocal abortion activists stand. Hopefully nobody else here is befuddled either.
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Here is the sin of incredulity . . .
CCC 2089a Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it.
In the primary sense, the Catechism is talking about revealed truth from God (i.e. The Trinity).

In a secondary sense, this also has to do with truths that we can rationally determine. Which is part of WHY obedience to your conscience is so important.
Of course. Since I have no information about ANYONE who would be pro-abortion. I only know about some people who are pro-choice.
If there was a left wing politician who was pro-life, everyone would know his/her name because the verbal attacks would be constant.
We are going to see more language such as this in the future. They are using stronger and stronger language to make it sound justified to take violent action.
Words are violence, court rulings are violence,… what’s next?
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Zerge . . .
Since I have no information about ANYONE who would be pro-abortion. I only know about some people who are pro-choice.
@Cathoholic, if you highlight the words in the post you want to quote, a little box comes up to the right just under the highlighted part which says quote.

If you quote, others can more easily go back to the post you are referencing.

If the quote box does not come up for me, I have found it is I have high lighted too far down.
Words are violence, court rulings are violence,… what’s next?
What’s next? How about “The Catholic Church is violence?” After all, the Church teaches abortion is a sin, marriage is between a man and woman, homosexual relations is a sin, God made man and woman…giving them equal dignity but different roles…etc, etc.
Over 50 million babies killed in the womb since 1973.

That’s violence.
Since I am an old bugger, who has never heard about this “national left” (obviously all very bad people) and the “national right” (all good people?) I would like to learn the definition for both designations. What attributes make a simple “leftist” to become a “national leftist”, and conversely, what makes a simple “rightist” to become a “national rightist”? I already asked this question, but never received an answer. So I am about to try again.

Teach me, please!
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Since I am an old bugger, who has never heard about this “national left” (obviously all very bad people) and the “national right” (all good people?) I would like to learn the definition for both designations. What attributes make a simple “leftist” to become a “national leftist”, and conversely, what makes a simple “rightist” to become a “national rightist”? I already asked this question, but never received an answer. So I am about to try again.
As I understand, this depends on who you ask. Many Socialist say that they are center, not left wing. So Biden to Bernie Sanders supporters, Biden leans to the right. Thus making President Trump far right, and anyone right of President Trump an extreme right win.

On the Other side, many see Trump as a centrist, and Obama 2008 a left wing. Hillary 2016 leaning far left and Biden, they see aligned with Bernie Sanders, so Far left. Making Sanders and anyone left of Sanders Extreme Far left.

For me, what I see is that the goal post was moved. For many more reasons. If you are white and Republican, you are labeled a racist, and if you are white and a Democrat you are labeled a socialist.

If you are a person of color and republican, you are a turn coat, and if you are a person of color and democrat, you are the oppressed.

If you are anti-Government? This is weird, because some say they are far left or far right extremist. Depends on what was done.

More stuff just gets weird and twisted.
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As I understand, this depends on who you ask.
That sounds reasonable.

In other words, both are subjective descriptions, and reveal more about the people who use these kinds of expressions than they reveal about the targets of these words. 😉 Of course most people are not fanatics… and as such they are not going to associate themselves with fanatics of either side. They usually just look confused and say: “Huh?”.
More stuff just gets weird and twisted.
True, and that is very sad. I recall the friendship between Scalia and Ginsberg, who were far from being centrists and still could look at each other with respect, without trying to squeeze the other one into a tight “box”.
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