Your thread title gives this:
P*1: The mind is anomalous
P1: We (entities with minds) have free will (one cannot predict our decision by definition).
P2: A theory (a theory is a system of ideas intended to explain the behavior of things) is needed to predict the behavior of beings.
P3: Some part of our behavior is the result of our decision
C1: This means that there exist not a theory which can explain our decision/behavior which are based on decision.
P4: An anomalous entity is a thing which cannot be explained by a theory.
C2: Therefore we are anomalous.
P*2: Created things are non-anomalous
P1: Any act requires a specific knowledge.
P2: The act of creation (bringing something out of nothing) is possible.
C1: This means that the act of creation is possible given the knowledge.
P3: There exists a theory which can explain non-anomalous thing (the definition of non-anomalous).
C2: A non-anomalous thing can be created.
Here we can argue more given previous premises (P*1):
C3: Mind cannot be created since it is anomalous
P4: Things exist
P5: Things are created
C4: Therefore non-anomalous things are created
C: The mind is not created
I think one should show that the mind cannot be created!
As usual, this is a question of soundness. I don’t think either premise is indubitably true. As such, the conclusion cannot be indubitably true.
You need to proof your premises, STT.
I hope things are clear.