From #49I meant in the new version of my argument which is posted #49.
P1: Will is faculty of mind.
P2: There exist not any theory which can predict will.
C1: Mind is anomalous (from D1, P1 and P2).
P3: Knowledge is structured by theories.
C2: The knowledge for explaining mind does not exist (from C1 and P3).
P4: Knowledge is required for any act.
C3: Therefore God cannot create mind (from C2 and P4).
A human being consists of a soul and a body per St. Thomas Aquinas. The human soul has rational, sensitive, and vegetative functions. See Aristotle and Aquinas, and some of the Arabic philosophers, for example. Since the human rational soul is immaterial and the body is not, the rational soul is informed through phantasms (imaginations).