Well sorry you found it rude it wasn’t intended that way. You have to expect opinions you won’t agree with and indeed may find offensive on a catholic forum same as I would (as I have ) from atheists.
From a secular historical standpoint, they’re not entirely wrong. However, saying most scholars believe Jesus was born in spring isn’t accurate, and the connection between winter festivals and Christian Christmas celebrations is far from a settled issue."Christmas supposedly marks the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. But there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible and most historians actually believe he was born in the spring. December 25 was probably chosen because it coincided with the ancient pagan festival Saturnalia, which celebrated the agricultural god Saturn with partying, gambling, and gift-giving…
The well-known reason we give presents at Christmas is to symbolize the gifts given to baby Jesus by the three wise men. But it may also stem from the Saturnalia tradition that required revelers to offer up rituals to the gods."
No one has said they were offended. It is not about you being rude, though you have been. It is about you being wrong about atheists. You say ‘because it is my opinion’ but although you have a right to your opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts. Atheists are not as you describe us. Most of my friends are atheists. Most never think about belief in God from one month to another. Religion is simply nothing to them. I am interested in religious people and religious belief including, maybe especially, the views of religious people about us non-religious people. I am not on this forum expecting others to share my views, or to persuade people. From my point of view the world is not improved simply by individuals stopping believing in God. Most religious people who respond to my posts seem to think that this is what atheists on CAF want. I for one am just interested.Well sorry you found it rude it wasn’t intended that way. You have to expect opinions you won’t agree with and indeed may find offensive on a catholic forum same as I would (as I have ) from atheists