For thousands of years artists have studied the human form. A painter needs to know the precise way that the body is put together so that he can accurately portray even clothed characters in his art. A doctor can’t really learn anatomy without studying a naked body and neither can the artist.I think it’s completely inappropriate. But perhaps you can change my mind…
What is the point of getting someone to remove every article of clothing and model naked in front of you for hours on end so that you can accurately reproduce genitals on a canvas? What is the point of drawing naked people in general? I’ve usually just viewed this as socially-acceptable pornography; after all the moment you go calling something “art” it suddenly ceases to be profane. I don’t want to hijack the thread or anything, but what’s the difference between a nude painting and a nude photograph? Are they both okay/good?
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to the artists here who take their nude drawings seriously; it’s fine to have a difference of opinion. I just see no point whatsoever in paintings of naked people, and I think they’re morally equivalent to meticulously-arranged photographs of naked people (when they’re good enough, that’s what they look like). And I certainly wouldn’t look at those.
As for nudes in art, if it is done appropriately how could it be wrong. We have thousands of nudes in beautiful Churches throughout the world.
I would say that the difference between a painting and a photograph is that one is an interpretation of reality and the other is stark reality there on the page. That being said, I am not sure that I would say that ALL photographs containing nudity are immoral. Imagine a well done photograph of a mother nursing her child. Would it automatically be considered immoral if her breast was exposed???