I do not care how you dress it up!! This is wrong. you should not be seeing someone nude without either, you being a doctor or the naked person is your wife/husband etc, you can’t justify it. You referred to the person being “offended” “if” they were looked upon in a less than “professional” way.I’m wondering when a person makes comments like this if they have ever attended a university of art and studied art at all or if it is their said profession.
Being an artist is a PROFESSION which means you have to be professional.
You are loaded up with work, you’re drawing whether the inspiration to create comes to you or not (artists can suffer from very dry periods in inspiration and motivation), you have the competition factor, you have a critical tutor, you’re trying to draw the most difficult form on the planet which is the human body, later on you have the pressure of clients waiting for commissions and all people can say is that artists are having unpure thoughts…well there was never any time for that for me and beyond that it would be highly unprofessional! The only thing I was frustrated about was drawing the human form over and over again every friday for three years and not seeing anything I did as innovative nor ‘perfect’ (as all artists strive to be innovative and create the ‘perfect’ image) Ending up with piles and piles of works of art which in retrospect I could see a definite development in my skills. Practise makes perfect!
You are thinking as a person who has not studied art and seeing as artist’s like myself actually work with nude models I can tell you we were not sitting about making rude comments and thinking the whole thing was a joke and ‘getting off on it’, just as a Doctor should not view a patient as a sexual object even if in the course of their profession they may see members of the opposite sex nude or with little clothes on.
It is part of the artists profession to study the human anatomy, skeleton structure and naked form. The skeleton is first drawn for a good few terms over and over and over before even the muscle structure is studied, then muscle structure is studied and drawn over and over for months and months and then after sufficient development in skills and understanding of the interior human form, the naked form is studied and the tutor first instructs his students, we were not just let loose with a human model, the dignity of the model is discussed and finally after nearly two years of drawing we study the naked human form. Anyone who studies art to a higher degree and takes any form of unprofessional view of life drawing shouldn’t be studying it at all!
Those models sit for up to three hours in one pose, they get up and can hardly stand from being in the same statue like position, it is their professional living and they know they are working with professionals. I know they would be highly insulted if they thought for one minute they were being ‘desired’ in any way by the artists.
Beyond that, in the course of my studies I must have seen dozens of life models, it’s not a novelty to get excited over it is a necessary method of working and I can assure you an artists cannot avoid drawing the human form especially whilst in training.
The layman or non-artist may see it all as seedy, but this is the same mind-set that stops folks from going to the Doctor because they have a ‘private’ problem.
I’m going to be direct and say this is a perfectly acceptable practise conducted by all artists of every era and every art school trained professional artist HAS to study life drawing or they fail their degree and if it would be an occassion of sin for you imparticular then you personally had better avoid it, but for those who can be professional then there IS no sin. The practise of studying the human form is not sinful as a means to re-creating it in an artistic manner, infact to be creative is a very close reflection of our Creator and a gift to be treasured.
I am sure God has no shame over the human form seeing as He Himself created it in the first place and became incarnate in the very flesh you are saying tempts others to sin, however the body is good, what tempts people is their broken nature and the gross misuse of the human body, this cannot be said of life-modelling in comparison with girls going out in the street wearing next to nothing looking for sex, but I’m not going to judge girls who do that as who am I to judge them?
The temptation lies with the sinner and it is their demon to exorcise but it cannot be blamed upon the Tabernacle of the human body.
The sin most definitely is within the intent of the individual and it is up to the individual to avoid that occasion of sin particular to them not to say being highly unprofessional.