Pessimism: “Our findings revealed that** being overly optimistic** in predicting a better future was
associated with a greater risk of disability and death within the following decade,”
(American Psychological Assoc. study--
UNY Stony Brook experiment in 1979 that showed** “depressed” students were more realistic about their ability to influence events** ( --The optimistic people were living in a fantasyland where they assumed a lot more control than they had.
“when throwing darts in the study, participants who were considered
defensive pessimists were 30% more accurate after having pictured negative outcomes.” (
I could go on citing studies, but anyone interested can look them up! Pessimism rules.
What does God do? He rolls the dice!
We’ve had this discussion before, Tony. I agree with atheists about a lot of things: we both like hamburgers, we like new cars, we think murder is wrong, We go on vacation to the same spots, etc. etc. I think there are substantial numbers of people in
every religion who believe what I do–God created the universe, but God does not constantly tinker with the universe by intervening at all time. This is not a diminution of the powers of God; in fact, just the
opposite–it would be a much inferior God who could not foresee things and had to step in and break His own laws of physics to set things right, or to answer prayers that He foresaw before the creation of the universe. And, as always, I invite anyone who thinks this is somehow “un-Catholic” to show me the documents. My belief is just as Catholic as people who believe God is constantly tinkering.