I am 16, and I have voiced my disaprobal of Desrpite hosuewives. to my mom she basicly told me today that I wam listing to Mother Angelica, but her world when she grew up and ours have chahnged.
I say…“Morality does not mean it cahnges with the world”
Then we got into a discusstion of a amn and a women living together who are not amrried. Ican tell them if its immoral,b ecause I want them to go to heaven, and I’ll espdchally say somthing if their catholic.
if this ties into the Despritent House wives dicussion we had, I ain’t sure. But she sasy she does nto want me to think she is going to hell,nd I say that i was not saying that. But I told her taht it is at least a near occation of sin.
I ahve always left the room when she wacthes it, but seh brought it up on her own, and I can’t stay scilent (which is good or bad). Is this a sin of ommsion, her wacthing ti I mean? Is there somthing I can do? i think soem disclosedmemnbers of my famally think I’m crazy, but thats oaky.
I say…“Morality does not mean it cahnges with the world”
Then we got into a discusstion of a amn and a women living together who are not amrried. Ican tell them if its immoral,b ecause I want them to go to heaven, and I’ll espdchally say somthing if their catholic.
if this ties into the Despritent House wives dicussion we had, I ain’t sure. But she sasy she does nto want me to think she is going to hell,nd I say that i was not saying that. But I told her taht it is at least a near occation of sin.
I ahve always left the room when she wacthes it, but seh brought it up on her own, and I can’t stay scilent (which is good or bad). Is this a sin of ommsion, her wacthing ti I mean? Is there somthing I can do? i think soem disclosedmemnbers of my famally think I’m crazy, but thats oaky.