I know we all have financial issues, some worse than others and I know that my problems are nothing compared to what others must endure, especially those who lost everything in hurricane Katrina. I pray for those who are suffering not only loss of homes, jobs, but family as well.
If anyone can relate to me, encourage me, or pray for me, I would be so grateful.
My husband just got news of a dollar raise but he is being cut down to 35 hours a week so it works out that he’s making $15 less each week, not a big deal but every penny helps in our case.
I’m still behind on some bills since he was laid off for July and the bit of help we get from food stamps is enough for groceries for 2 weeks. We do have medical through the social services as well. I also get WIC so that is a blessing too.
My husband refuses to find a second job. I find his reasons ridiculous but to him they’re legitmate and he’s talked to his office manager about our situation and he also agrees with my husband that finding a second part time job wouldn’t be a good idea right now… There are no better paying jobs in our area, he’d have to commute anywhere from 30-45 minutes each way in order to find a job that paid maybe a dollar or 2 more than what he’s making but with gas prices being what they are and rising, he’d lose more money by having to commute.
So basically we are stuck between a rock and a hard place since I’m unable to work due to the pregnancy and won’t be working outside my house until at least the middle of november.
I’m discouraged, disgusted and depressed (again) over our situation.
I don’t know what to do, I can’t turn to family for help because they are in just as bad shape as we are and my parents have enough on their plate to be worried about since my dad’s been diagonsed with a golf ball size tumor on his lung. They are being kind enough to take my daughter clothes shopping for school so we don’t have to worry about that. I’m grateful for that.
I have a lot of good in my life, I recognize that and I try to make that my focus. But when it comes time to sit and write out the bills, I see that we can’t afford to pay them in full or else I won’t have the money to buy diapers for my son, necessities for the house and groceries that are needed for the next 2 weeks. I worry about what’s going to happen when baby #4 comes along. If we’re struggling now, it’s only going to get worse since we have another baby to buy things for.
I’ve had to use the credit card, much to my displeasure, to buy a lot of our necessities over the last 2 months because we just simply didn’t have the cash. We only made $700 for the month of July, combined income (I’m a bookkeeper so I can work from home). That put us back horribly. I’m still trying to play catch up.
My husband won’t take care of the bills because as he’s told me numerous times that he’s got enough to deal with.
He’s the main reason I’m seeking therapy to help me cope with our situation and his whole attitude towards me.
I wish that there was a way for us to increase our income. I told my husband all we need is about 600-700 dollars more each month for us to begin getting out of debt and not having to use the credit card for any purchases.
That’s not a lot of money, but it’s impossible for me to convince him to find a part time job for 15 hours a week, even if it’s only temporary. He wouldn’t make the amount we need, but at least it would help us out somewhat. He just refuses, end of story. Discussing it isn’t an option anymore.
So in a nutshell, I’m just asking for prayer mostly. I need wisdom and peace about our situation. There is nothing that we can cut out of our spending. We haven’t gone on a date alone to see a movie or have dinner in over a year. Treating the kids to a happy meal is a luxury. We only have one vehicle. Neither of us have gone clothes shopping since before we were married. Now we go to the Salvation Army if we need something. If it weren’t for the clothes given to my kids at birthdays and christmas, they would be wearing clothes from the salvation army too. I cut my kids and my husband’s hair. I get my hair cut maybe once or twice a year. This is just a few of the ways we cut corners to avoid spending money.
I know how to support a family of 5 on $18,000 a year. It’s just I’m really tired of shuffling bills around to see who’ll take a small payment this month so I can pay off someone else just so we don’t lose our utilites or credit rating.
Thanks for letting me vent. I know that it’s easy to say things will get better…but I’ve been dealing with the same kind of stuff in my marriage for 13 years now. I’m worn out. People always tell me, “you just need to concern yourself with delivering a healthy baby.”
I wish it were that easy…
Please pray for us.
Thank you.
If anyone can relate to me, encourage me, or pray for me, I would be so grateful.
My husband just got news of a dollar raise but he is being cut down to 35 hours a week so it works out that he’s making $15 less each week, not a big deal but every penny helps in our case.
I’m still behind on some bills since he was laid off for July and the bit of help we get from food stamps is enough for groceries for 2 weeks. We do have medical through the social services as well. I also get WIC so that is a blessing too.
My husband refuses to find a second job. I find his reasons ridiculous but to him they’re legitmate and he’s talked to his office manager about our situation and he also agrees with my husband that finding a second part time job wouldn’t be a good idea right now… There are no better paying jobs in our area, he’d have to commute anywhere from 30-45 minutes each way in order to find a job that paid maybe a dollar or 2 more than what he’s making but with gas prices being what they are and rising, he’d lose more money by having to commute.
So basically we are stuck between a rock and a hard place since I’m unable to work due to the pregnancy and won’t be working outside my house until at least the middle of november.
I’m discouraged, disgusted and depressed (again) over our situation.
I don’t know what to do, I can’t turn to family for help because they are in just as bad shape as we are and my parents have enough on their plate to be worried about since my dad’s been diagonsed with a golf ball size tumor on his lung. They are being kind enough to take my daughter clothes shopping for school so we don’t have to worry about that. I’m grateful for that.
I have a lot of good in my life, I recognize that and I try to make that my focus. But when it comes time to sit and write out the bills, I see that we can’t afford to pay them in full or else I won’t have the money to buy diapers for my son, necessities for the house and groceries that are needed for the next 2 weeks. I worry about what’s going to happen when baby #4 comes along. If we’re struggling now, it’s only going to get worse since we have another baby to buy things for.
I’ve had to use the credit card, much to my displeasure, to buy a lot of our necessities over the last 2 months because we just simply didn’t have the cash. We only made $700 for the month of July, combined income (I’m a bookkeeper so I can work from home). That put us back horribly. I’m still trying to play catch up.
My husband won’t take care of the bills because as he’s told me numerous times that he’s got enough to deal with.
He’s the main reason I’m seeking therapy to help me cope with our situation and his whole attitude towards me.
I wish that there was a way for us to increase our income. I told my husband all we need is about 600-700 dollars more each month for us to begin getting out of debt and not having to use the credit card for any purchases.
That’s not a lot of money, but it’s impossible for me to convince him to find a part time job for 15 hours a week, even if it’s only temporary. He wouldn’t make the amount we need, but at least it would help us out somewhat. He just refuses, end of story. Discussing it isn’t an option anymore.
So in a nutshell, I’m just asking for prayer mostly. I need wisdom and peace about our situation. There is nothing that we can cut out of our spending. We haven’t gone on a date alone to see a movie or have dinner in over a year. Treating the kids to a happy meal is a luxury. We only have one vehicle. Neither of us have gone clothes shopping since before we were married. Now we go to the Salvation Army if we need something. If it weren’t for the clothes given to my kids at birthdays and christmas, they would be wearing clothes from the salvation army too. I cut my kids and my husband’s hair. I get my hair cut maybe once or twice a year. This is just a few of the ways we cut corners to avoid spending money.
I know how to support a family of 5 on $18,000 a year. It’s just I’m really tired of shuffling bills around to see who’ll take a small payment this month so I can pay off someone else just so we don’t lose our utilites or credit rating.
Thanks for letting me vent. I know that it’s easy to say things will get better…but I’ve been dealing with the same kind of stuff in my marriage for 13 years now. I’m worn out. People always tell me, “you just need to concern yourself with delivering a healthy baby.”
I wish it were that easy…
Please pray for us.
Thank you.