Without God every human individual will base his or her morals on what they believe to be correct. No?
sure, but why can’t an atheist believe that the correct morality is one which is objective (applies to all people) and is also absolute (consists of exceptionless moral norms)?
as i suggested, for a morality to be objective requires only that it have an objective foundation; surely god is not the only possible such foundation. is he?
With God we will base our morals on what God said.
this sounds like “divine command” morality. the problem is that this is in fact ***not ***an answer to the question “where does morality come from?”, since the proposition “moral norms are dictated by god”
presupposes a more fundamental moral norm, namely “people ought to do what god dictates”.
see what i’m saying? if it weren’t already true that human beings are bound by the objective moral principle, “we ought to do what god commands us to do”, then god’s commands would have no normative force for us.
moral force, anyway - it would certainly behoove us as a matter of simple practical rationality to do whatever someone more powerful than us commanded us to do, but that’s doesn’t transform those commands into
moral norms.
it’s actually this idea of morality that can be a sticking point for atheists and agnostics, because it really does make god look like a power-mad dictator issuing arbitrary commands under threats of eternal torture for non-compliance…
on the other hand, if practical reasoning is grounded in the rational animality of human nature, and is understood as a given, just as hypothetical reasoning is, then the “ought” of morality is transformed into a directiveness toward human fulfilment - toward a flourishing that involves a life full of goods that are the fulfillment of human persons.
understood in this way, god doesn’t issue commands so much as he tells us things that are good or bad for us that we may not otherwise come to know…
anyway, just some thoughts.