Morality of smoking šŸš¬

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Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances and smoking should be spoken of as an addiction and nothing else. There are no benefits to smoking its all bad.

Smoking does severe psychological damage to the user and they become unable to quit.
If you want to quit and understand how it effects you psychologically I suggest you read Allen Carrā€™s Easy way to Stop Smoking he explains it perfectly and how to over come it . Its not just the physical addiction there is psychological damage done and if not dealt with you will fail or be miserable in your quitting. Want to be free read the book.

I learn of it from a Catholic site.
Smoking does severe psychological damage to the user and they become unable to quit.
It can create a physical and psychological dependence.
I suggest you read Allen Carrā€™s Easy way to Stop Smoking he explains it perfectly and how to over come it
From what Iā€™ve read, heā€™s regarded as a quack.
I was smoking four or five cigarettes a week before the coronavirus hit. After I saw the way it was hitting smokers harder than non-smokers, I decided it wasnā€™t worth it.
Well, in that case, backyard grilling or barbecuing canā€™t be very good either.
Different kind of smoke, but usually not deliberately inhaled regularly as a habit either. I do enjoy grilling sometimes and avoid the downwind side. If it makes you cough, probably not good. (They are starting to say the char on grilled meat contributes to cancer also. ).
Next headline perhaps: ā€œChurches knowingly endanger the faithful by deliberately exposing all present to incense smoke.ā€
How about, ā€œGrilling exposes neighbors to increased cancer risk.ā€
Just forget the chili cook-off altogether.
Dominus vobiscum
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People are entitled to their opinion but the book works No you do psychological damage for example - smoking makes me feel good - a lie. Smoking calms me down - a lie. I need a smoke - a lie.

After a while you start believing all the lies and it makes it hundred of time harder to quit. You have to admit whats the truth and whats a lie honestly.

Every time you want to smoke your feeding the monkey on your back nothing else.
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Medical marijuana isnā€™t prescribed ā€œbecause itā€™s less dangerous than smoking tobaccoā€, but because of itā€™s side effects for the instances you stated. Inhaling smoke into your lungs is bad, regardless of the substance. But marijuana has many other (in my opinion worse) side effects than tobacco, alongside the ones related to smoke inhalation.
I personal do not understand the logic in this, as an absolute statement. If we say any degree of wilful harm, no matter how small, to the body is sinful, we must logically conclude that any risk if harm is sinful. For example, one cigarette a week is harmful, but if that degree of harm is sinful, how could anyone say skydiving or mountain climbing is not sinful. The risk is there, indeed, breathing light oxygenated air is harmful.
There is no end in site to how we must then live, just to protect our bodies.

No, the old saying " all things in moderation" is what makes sense here.
I was a smoker. I quite about 18 months ago after smoking for 25 years. It is much harder than any non-smoker can imagine, so everyone should show grace to those afflicted. I would hesitate to say it classifies as sin simply because it harms our God given body because people do many things daily that do the same, eating bad, not sleeping enough, no exercise, not de-stressing, etc and I wouldnā€™t say any of those bad habits are sinful, even if destructive. I do believe it is a spiritual and mental weakness. I quit shortly after my conversion but it was a long process. I do feel it was a huge step in loving myself as a child of God, not wanting to hurt myself or be slave to an addiction. My smoking also hurt others, not just because of second-hand smoke, but also because people who loved me where witnessing me destroy myself.
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hundreds (if not thousands) a year on smoking which destroys your lungs instead of spending that money on food or your family or giving to the Church or charitiesā€¦ Iā€™d say itā€™s immoral.
That might depend on how expendable that income is. Same with any recreational budget.

Just to play devilā€™s advocateā€¦ (Personally I detest cigarettes, so thereā€™s no vested interest here)
I would hesitate to say it classifies as sin simply because it harms our God given body because people do many things daily that do the same, eating bad, not sleeping enough, no exercise, not de-stressing, etc and I wouldnā€™t say any of those bad habits are sinful, even if destructive.
Well, technically, theyā€™re disordered, so to the extent that you willfully consent to them, theyā€™d be at least minimally sinful, I think.
Well, technically, theyā€™re disordered, so to the extent that you willfully consent to them, theyā€™d be at least minimally sinful, I think.
You ā€œthinkā€ or you know? The bottom line is nobody should smoke, sin or not.
I am not going to answer about the morality, but smoking causes all sorts of health issues , and now with Covid , studies are showing smoking and covid dont mix
I am not going to answer about the morality, but smoking causes all sorts of health issues , and now with Covid , studies are showing smoking and covid dont mix
Yes, this pandemic was another reminder why itā€™s good that I quit recently. I still have a few friends that smoke and am hoping this is a wakeup call. I gave some gentle hints but they will decide when they are ready.
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances
Iā€™ll second that motion.

When I was in college in the early 1980s smokeless tobacco (ā€œChewā€) was being promoted as a safe alternative to smoking. I ended up getting hooked on it; I read once that the nicotine enters the bloodstream far quicker and in stronger amounts when you chew tobacco as opposed to smoking a cigarette. After a meal? Time for a dip. Having a beer with buddies? Time for a dip. Studying? Time for a dip. First thing in the morning? Time for a dip. Just before bed at night? Time for a dip.

After chewing Skoal (or whatever cheap brand I could find) for about five years I finally quit. I put on 30+ pounds in a little over three months - I was eating ALL THE TIME. It was the only way I could quit.

That was nearly 35 years ago and I still crave nicotine.
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Hey, I like to do that too! Iā€™m thinking about starting a thread to ask if itā€™s a sin or notā€¦
Just because something is unhealthy doesnā€™t automatically make it a sin. Doughnuts are also unhealthy, and they are served after Mass! (One of my pet peeves).

And not everyone gets addicted to smoking. I used to smoke a fair amount for about 7-8 years when I was young, and wasnā€™t addicted. Stopped when I didnā€™t want to smoke anymore.

As with anything, it gets sinful when you do it to excess.
Be thankful God provided tobaccoā€¦

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