Maybe there are “white male privilege” issues, and maybe minorities are a little less socially accepted, I don’t know. But if either of those issues really exists, they do not exist to the high degree that some people would have you believe. I don’t have any statistics to spout off, but I wish people who complain about “white male privilege” and “discrimination” and all that would take a look at the other possible reasons behind why such “privilege” actually exists. An earlier poster mentioned how some populations (whether they are men, women, African-Americans, Hispanics, etc etc) are more interested in or more suited for particular work, and that is why we have different levels of women compared to men, and more non-minorities compared minorities, in different lines of work. If there are minorities who have a higher unemployment rate than those with “privileges”, it is because minorities tend to not have the same qualifications, not (necessarily) because they are discriminated against. I am fine with saying it is a good discussion to have, how to help minorities who tend to be more poor than non-minorities. But I am not fine with the idea that just because someone has certain “privileges” he should bend over backwards to make sure he is not “infringing” on poor/less “privileged” people’s rights. That is a ridiculous idea. Certainly one must be charitable and rightly concerned about people less fortunate, but one will be able to be more charitable towards such people if one takes advantage of the opportunities that are available.