Somehow you keep managing to miss my point. Which is:
no evidence I offer regarding the validity of the Bible or on any other subject on which we disagree will meet with your approval, so why bother. Also, none of this can bee proven definitely - at least to my satisfaction. Back to the Bible, you believe it so you quote is a authority and fact. It is all you need. I don’t believe it and doubt anything I can say or any experts I could quote (i.e., Bart Erman and his many works, Andrew D. Benson’s “Origens fo Christianity and the Bible”), or refer you to will alter your opinion. You will simply lable them anti-Chrisitan and move on. Which is fine. But you need to realize that by not being open to sources I like and you don’t (and vise versa) we are at a standstill. That was my closing point. I’ll direct you to Leela’s UN report and the response it got here. No one liked it so the UN is suspect so it must be nonsense. It you think their methods should be investigated, have at it - after all, you’re the one who has problems with them. Leela keeps getting called because you don’t like her sources - but you won’t, will you, since they support ideas contrary to your own. You call her sources (and would do so to mine) biased, but the ones you provide are also biased - but you agree with those biases so don’t see the problem. Finding a source everyone can agree on can be tricky and time consuming. So far on this thread it’s been a fruitless search. I see where this is going and you should too. It’s a circle, repetitive and degenerating in civility with every revolution.
We just have to agree to disagree - our debate - if that’s what you want to call it - is going nowhere.
As to my personal story, I’ve shared parts of it on other threads. I’m not always in the mood to do so. I’m bipolar, by the way, moods are a major part of my life. My beliefs are based on personal experience, reason/study, and observation of the world and those in it - now and historically. I’ve found the two authors mentioned above to be excellent scholars. You will no doubt find them heretics. So be it. You wanted some names that influenced me, there’s a couple. There is an entire website for ex-Christians with list and reviews of books and links to scholarly papers, etc. In case you want to read up on what the other side thinks. I was raised on your side and read and studied for decades, so I’m well aware of the “evidence” and theories, just so you know. And I’ve found them lacking. But, that’s just me.
Like I said before, I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, just explain how I feel. I don’t even agree with the atheists here since I’m agnostic. It’s find if you don’t agree. What bothers me is your repeated insistance that I continue in the circular, going nowhere, repetitive exercise. If I felt it would lead to anything, I would. But I don’t.