i never used those words at all, nor did i speak about my personal idea of morality.
i implied that G-dless attempts to form a “moral system” haven’t had a much of a history, they attempt to make Reason the rule. it hasn’t worked out well anywhere that i know of. but tens upon tens of millions of millions have perished in the attempt. u.s.s.r., red, china, pol pot, u.s. and others.
the fact that their morality is entirely based on Reason means that they only had intrinsic ideas as to the best way too proceed.
that led to those deaths, Reason, does in fact kill at a much higher rate than any known Christian dissension, the proof is written all over history. it is even more evident when you consider Christians are roughly 40 percent of humanity
people are far from perfect, and every argument from Reason has its valid opposite. indeed if intrinsic ideals were sufficient, then what need would we have for a moral system?
nor was the Torah based on previous codes of conduct, all those people except Noah and family perished in the flood, attested to not only in the Torah, but also reflected in stories about the flood from cultures around the world. their conduct led directly to their destruction. much the same way i might throw out my property if it were to become moldy and corrupted.
morality based on Reason alone is a disaster, you don’t have to believe me, just be a student of history.