More "woke" brainwashing before and during Toy Story 4

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Heterosexual intercourse may be illicit but is naturally ordered. Homosexual intercourse is always both illicit and unnaturally ordered. There is no legitimate comparison. Homosexual intercourse is always an abomination, and efforts by Hollywood to portray it as normal are insidiously diabolical.
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Every sin is an abomination. Heterosexual sins don’t get some free pass, the fact that it can condemn one to hell says enough.
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No one is saying that heterosexual activity can’t be mortally sinful. However, homosexual activity is always mortally sinful. And it doesn’t matter how “cute” people might think the homosexual couple are. Such perceptions of “cuteness” are diabolical deception.
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You said comparison and you replied previously to (name removed by moderator) about what Thorloft said but he mentioned unmarried people.
Unmarried heterosexuals can engage in naturally ordered sexual intercourse together. There is no naturally ordered homosexual intercourse. This is Catholic moral theology. Those who want to erode Church teachings always seek to make homosexual intercourse naturally ordered–which it can never be.
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That’s not the aim. They want consistency one way or the other. There’s no reason that fornication should be defended. Natural or not, it doesn’t really matter in the context except increase gravity and it goes over their head.
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No one is defending fornication. That’s a straw man. And even an unmarried couple engaging in fornication can marry, and legitimize their relationship. A homosexual couple cannot.
But–natural law doesn’t matter? Really?
This conversation seems pointless. I’m arguing from a Catholic moral theological standpoint, not a made up secular “moral equivalency.” Adios.
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Sorry, but in my view it’s marketing 101 and including as many potential customers as possible.
But don’t you think that even if it was marketing 101 many of the producers/scriptwriters already have “liberal views” (pro gay marriage) in the first place?
Well I was being sarcastic. The point was, was if it were really about advertising and appealing to as many people as possible, why not appeal to 23% of the population instead of about 1% (if that?)?
Apparently because they wish to appeal to and promote the gay agenda more than the Catholic agenda. In fact, most in the entertainment industry would rather discourage and denigrate the Catholic agenda.
It is exactly as nefarious as GLAAD presents it. If Hollywood doesn’t follow their dictates, they will be “held responsible.” Writers do what they’re told. They are commercial entities. To assign any autonomy to them is not realistic.
A lot of TV shows and movies are no longer for entertainment. They are designed as show and tell vehicles for very poor behavior and sexual immorality - all portrayed as somehow fun.
Those producing shows glorifying homosexual relationships are doing the devil’s work, knowingly or not.
Sadly, even some Catholics seem to prefer the gay agenda to the Catholic agenda. Or they delusionally try to reconcile the two.
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As the 1970s began, TV gradually changed. It’s like taking slow poison that takes years to strike. I was there in the 1970s and thought the changes were not that bad. Boy, was I wrong. The slow, gradual addition of bad, followed by more bad, followed by even more bad. And what were most people doing? Coming home from work, relaxing and watching TV. This had become a habit some found hard to break.

Yes, I know people who have become self-blinded. Who tune out certain things. The idea of wholesome entertainment is unknown to them. Thankfully, some people do discover it.
The “boiling a frog” analogy is on point.

Now that those pushing the agenda have made such gains, they’ve grown increasingly emboldened, arrogant and demanding. Still using “we just want acceptance” as a cover, though that cover is increasingly transparent.

But their pride will be their undoing.
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They see themselves in a position of ‘power’ and will continue until others point out the end result: control over others they don’t like.
Sure, I said it up thread probably 1/2 a dozen times. Still doesn’t mean that by adding SS couples to a movie that their feeding some sort of "agenda "
Sure it is. From GLAAD.

2019 GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index​

The GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index (SRI) maps the quantity, quality and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) characters in films released by the seven major motion picture studios during the 2018 calendar year. GLAAD researched films released by 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Bros., as well as films released by four subsidiaries of these major studios. The report is intended to serve as a road map toward increasing fair, accurate and inclusive LGBTQ representation in film.
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