I would classify them as strongly biased. Think of it like a football field. If the LDS website occupies the home team’s endzone, your sites occupy the away team’s endzone. The links I provided that weren’t on the LDS church’s website are hovering around midfield, because they aren’t relating their studies directly to LDS truth claims.Paul,
Have you ever been to Utah Lighthouse Ministries or to Alpha Omega Ministries? Would you classify them as fair and honest or bias? Unfair and unhonest?
The site that has the market cornered on fairness is FAIR. I am just kidding, but your suggestion that the Tanners are fair is equally silly. I could direct you to non-LDS people that find both of these anti-mormons, the Tanners and James White are unfair.
see Lawrence Foster, “Career Apostates: Reflections on the Works of Jerald and Sandra Tanner,”
see Dale Broadhurst’s website
see Carl Mosser and Paul Owen article.
James White is not only anti-mormon, he is anti-catholic.
No thanks. This has already been done numerous times, but is done in pro-mormon sites you can’t be bothered with.Could you go to these sites and give examples of how they missled or strayed from turth?