Mormon missionaries coming to my home!

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Have you ever been to Utah Lighthouse Ministries or to Alpha Omega Ministries? Would you classify them as fair and honest or bias? Unfair and unhonest?
I would classify them as strongly biased. Think of it like a football field. If the LDS website occupies the home team’s endzone, your sites occupy the away team’s endzone. The links I provided that weren’t on the LDS church’s website are hovering around midfield, because they aren’t relating their studies directly to LDS truth claims.

The site that has the market cornered on fairness is FAIR. I am just kidding, but your suggestion that the Tanners are fair is equally silly. I could direct you to non-LDS people that find both of these anti-mormons, the Tanners and James White are unfair.
see Lawrence Foster, “Career Apostates: Reflections on the Works of Jerald and Sandra Tanner,”

see Dale Broadhurst’s website

see Carl Mosser and Paul Owen article.

James White is not only anti-mormon, he is anti-catholic.
Could you go to these sites and give examples of how they missled or strayed from turth?
No thanks. This has already been done numerous times, but is done in pro-mormon sites you can’t be bothered with.


I’d love to go to a pro-LDS site to see how they disprove bigots and liars. True I prefer neutral evidence but once in a while it’s good to go right or left wing just to see how people think.
I think I can be helpful on this question because I have been through the Mormon Missionary Training center twice and I also have two BA’s from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul Minnesota. I was the first Mormon to graduate from this very fine Catholic college. I had a negative experience the first time I went through the MTC. I had a positive experience the second time I went through the MTC so I believe people can have both good and bad experiences there. It depends on the people. Mormons are people. Some are jerks and some are very nice. I think the best sources on the internet against Mormonism is the Utah Light House Ministry and the best sight for Mormonism is found by putting in the search Jeff Lindsay or Jeff Lindsey. I would read both before forming an opinion or other wise you will not appear to be very intelligent. The big difference between the two religions is Catholics feel the Bishops has the authority from Peter and the Apostles to continue the church. Mormons feel a Bishop is only a local authority and did not have the authority to continue the church but only the Apostles have the authority to continue the church. When the Apostles died before they could pick replacements Mormons believe the church ended then. They believe the Apostles came back and gave that authority to Joseph Smith in about 1830. That may seem weird but believe me Catholics seemed really weird to me but I gave them a chance. I am glad I did because I think I am a better person because I learned a lot from them. They made my personality more broad. Give Mormons and others a chance. We can all learn from each other. And also with you!!!
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