I’d like to talk a bit about continual sacrifice as a marital model.
Unfortunately, it’s compatible with a lot of self-deception as to how much one is in fact doing (selfish people can falsely believe they are continually self-sacrificing), or blindness to on’s spouse’s actual needs.
I would suggest the following instead to the average married person:
–listening to one’s spouse about what they want
–trying to be fair and not taking privileges for oneself that one doesn’t allow one’s spouse
Fairness and listening may sound a lot more modest than continual excruciating self-sacrifice, but may (for the average person) involve doing more for one’s spouse, being more on the same page, and be less prone to self-deception.
A person’s family sees them at home doing what they do. A confessor (just as CAF commentors giving advice) is dependent on the person’s account of what they did and unfortunately, garbage in will mean garbage out. Hence, a person’s family and other intimates have an important role to play with regard to pointing out that they are not doing their duty and/or not being fare to the people they live with.