People here have often shot down things said because they weren’t supported by The Bible. But the Bible says nothing about contraception. In this case, you are relying on the say-so of a Pope. Unless I am mistaken, important as The Pope is, he is not God.If that’s true, then most Catholics are in a state of mortal sin. That’s sad.
They aren’t guidelines, any more than not killing or not stealing could be considered guidelines. Christ said “go and sin no more” not “I recommend you don’t do the following things.”
If we’re going to add our own interpretations of Biblical law to the list of sins, can we go further? The Bible tells us to be obedient to our parents, but today many parents are absent, abusive, or unfit. Are we still to be obedient to those parents? Our modern system of adoption was non-existant in Biblical times. If a biological parent comes to an adopted-at-birth child after, say, 15 years, does that child then belong to that parent again?