While I don’t agree with the sentiment that men only want women doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes, it can seem that way when the argument about who should or should not be in the sanctuary is about women/men rather than clergy/laity. If the Church allows laity to read, altar serve, cantor etc, then that would include both women and men. It is traditional to have only men serve due to it being traditional that only clergy admitted into the minor orders served. It can be more fitting that only men serve in light of tradition. But that doesn’t mean it’s not fit for women, as part of the laity to serve as well. IOW, either way is not wrong. OT priests may have been all men in the service of the sacrifice, but the NT shows women at the sacrifice at foot of the cross, bringing spices to the tomb and as the first to hear and announce the news of the resurrection. Being a reader, altar server or cantor is fitting in light of women’s direct service to the Lord surrounding the event of his death and resurrection.Women do contribute in the parish life, but to Say we only want them in the background “doing the heaven lifting” because we don’t think it appropriate to have them in the sanctuary serving is silly.
If only men serving at the altar was so effective at helping men discern, why did the numbers start falling long before women had any visible roles in the sanctuary? There must have been other factors at play. It would be good to look into what they were.Lay men had to come into the picture because of a falling number of vocations. We didn’t have all the minor orders any longer to fulfill these serving roles at mass.