Mother sues hospital because they failed to abort both twins

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Abortion Fails to Kill Both Twins - Mother Sues Hospital

PERTH, April 25, 2005 ( - The legal ramifications of abortion are reaching levels of absurdity that are becoming difficult to parody. With the advent of the bizarre notion of ‘wrongful life’ lawsuits has come the answer to the pro-lifers’ rhetorical question, “What do you do if a hospital fails to kill your child?” In the case of Stacy Dow, a 20-year-old Scottish woman who gave birth to a healthy girl after trying to abort her and her twin, the answer is, ‘sue.’ Dow is suing Tayside University Hospitals NHS Trust for 250,000 pounds because they failed to kill both of her unborn children.

Dow said she discovered she was pregnant with twins and, because she wanted to carry on with plans for nursing school, she went to the Perth Royal Infirmary for an abortion at six weeks gestation. The hospital tried to abort the children and told her it had been ‘successful.’ Later when Dow began to put on weight, she visited a doctor. “After 33 weeks I went to the GP and he told me I was pregnant. I thought he meant I had fallen pregnant again, and I couldn’t believe it when I was told that it was one of the original pregnancies.”

The surviving twin was born healthy and is now three years old. Dow is claiming, with perfect adherence to the abortion logic, that since her intention was to kill both children and the hospital failed to complete the operation, that Dow is now owed support for the surviving child.

The hospital is arguing that there was every reason to think the ‘termination’ had been complete. Their statement says that the doctor “checked the cavity of the uterus and could feel no further products of conception. As far as could be clinically determined the pregnancy had been terminated.”

“I still don’t know if, or what, I’m going to tell Jayde when the time comes. I just hope she understands what happened and why I did it.” Dow said.

Though the woman and the hospital seem to have missed it, the irony is not lost on pro-lifers. “Are we the only ones who think this is nuts?” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition. “You can have your children taken away by the state for abuse, but if you want them dead, as long as it’s before birth, it’s OK and you can sue if a hospital fails to kill them. How far does this have to go before we wake up to the insane evil of abortion?”
“I still don’t know if, or what, I’m going to tell Jayde when the time comes. I just hope she understands what happened and why I did it.” Dow said.
Hmm…how about, Hey kid, I tried to have you killed but it didn’t work out for me, so consider yourself lucky that you didn’t end up with the same fate as your sibling.

This is simply amazing. If she didn’t want the kid then she should have given her up for adoption. Now she’s going to be a poster child for “When abortions go wrong.”
StratusRose said:
“I still don’t know if, or what, I’m going to tell Jayde when the time comes. I just hope she understands what happened and why I did it.” Dow said.
Hmm…how about, Hey kid, I tried to have you killed but it didn’t work out for me, so consider yourself lucky that you didn’t end up with the same fate as your sibling.

This is simply amazing. If she didn’t want the kid then she should have given her up for adoption. Now she’s going to be a poster child for “When abortions go wrong.”

What is even more shocking is that she is suing the hospital for not killing the other child:mad: :eek: :mad: Her child is going to think to herself my mom was so dissappointed I wasn’t killed she sued:mad: :tsktsk: :banghead:
I thought he meant I had fallen pregnant again
What a strange phrase, wonder what she tripped on :whacky:
I read a study once about how women that intend to go right back to work after they deliver their children often don’t bond with them since they know that they have to leave them.

Wouldn’t it be even worse if the parent intended abortion? I am amazed that they allowed her to keep the child. It would have been so much better off for eveyone had she allowed a couple to adopt this child. Now she has the pressure to sue the hospital, doctors, and continue her sick way of handling children.

I am sickened by the lack of maternal feelings. She aborted them too!
Dear Jayde…

Mommy just won alot of money.
It is money to help mommy cope with the burden and cost of raising you after my attempts to have you killed failed.

How do you all think Jayde will handle that?
:crying: I find it more and more difficult to live in this perverted culture. Will I ever stop being shocked by the ignorance of these types of people and crimes against human life? Worse yet, what if I do stop being shocked by it? :eek:
legeorge said:
:crying: I find it more and more difficult to live in this perverted culture. Will I ever stop being shocked by the ignorance of these types of people and crimes against human life? Worse yet, what if I do stop being shocked by it? :eek:

There have been evil things throughout history - murder, rape, torture, - but our age is the only one that has made up new evils - cloning humans, mixing human genes with animal genes, declaring homosexual homes good for children, etc, etc. For this reason, if for no other, a person would be justified in suspecting that the last days are upon us.
Their statement says that the doctor "checked the cavity of the uterus and could feel no further products of conception.
Is that what we call people these days? “Products of conception”? Bah!
Now wait just a minute. She wanted an abortion because she was in NURSING school?! Yeah, cause that’s the chick I want working on me when I’m all banged up and in need of help. “Oh, whoops was that the Potassium Chloride? Sorry 'bout that, mate!” Gimme a break!
How sad. That little girl will know that her mother didn’t want her alive – and, she was cheated out of a twin sister. 😦
So much for moving to Australia in the event Senator Billary gets back in the Blight House.

This culture is coming increasingly to look like Wonderland: Mad Hatters, crazed rabbits, jabberwocks. . .queens demanding the heads of the innocent. . . .😦
How sad. That little girl will know that her mother didn’t want her alive – and, she was cheated out of a twin sister.
I’m waiting for a lawsuit like that to happen.
A child sues their parent for depriving them of a sibling through abortion.
Maybe the “mom” could use the money(if she wins) to pay for her daughter’s therapy. That kids gonna need it.
I can’t actually fathom a response – I am a proud mother of twins and I fought to have them arrive alive and healthy – I feel just sad for people who don’t know this kind of love because of their own selfishness.
There is a book by lifedynamics called lime5, it gives the side of abortion that the media ignores.A statement that someone made in the thread reminded me of a case in that book:nope: The statement about suing for the loss of a sibling:( A 14 year old who survived an abortion but had severe brain injuries as a result,tried to sue the doctor for the damage that was done to him,to help with medical care as well.He lost,they said his mother had signed for him to be aborted therefore he had no rights to sue:crying: :banghead: :bigyikes: 14 and still deemed a non-person with no rights,first the property of mom to dispose of,then the victim if a court,who upholds the non-person title 14 years later:tsktsk:
Now wait just a minute. She wanted an abortion because she was in NURSING school?! Yeah, cause that’s the chick I want working on me when I’m all banged up and in need of help. “Oh, whoops was that the Potassium Chloride? Sorry 'bout that, mate!” Gimme a break!
In nursing school, I saw two abortions. Of course, they were on film, but it was enough to make me sick
What aren’t they teaching in school these days? Obviously not fetal development.
There is a book by lifedynamics called lime5, it gives the side of abortion that the media ignores.A statement that someone made in the thread reminded me of a case in that book:nope: The statement about suing for the loss of a sibling:( A 14 year old who survived an abortion but had severe brain injuries as a result,tried to sue the doctor for the damage that was done to him,to help with medical care as well.He lost,they said his mother had signed for him to be aborted therefore he had no rights to sue:crying: :banghead: :bigyikes: 14 and still deemed a non-person with no rights,first the property of mom to dispose of,then the victim if a court,who upholds the non-person title 14 years later:tsktsk:
Lisa, can you give a little more detail on the book? Author, maybe? I’d like to get it.
There is a book by lifedynamics called lime5, it gives the side of abortion that the media ignores.A statement that someone made in the thread reminded me of a case in that book The statement about suing for the loss of a sibling A 14 year old who survived an abortion but had severe brain injuries as a result,tried to sue the doctor for the damage that was done to him,to help with medical care as well.He lost,they said his mother had signed for him to be aborted therefore he had no rights to sue 14 and still deemed a non-person with no rights,first the property of mom to dispose of,then the victim if a court,who upholds the non-person title 14 years later
I read that book awhile ago. I’ll have to look it up again to try and remember this case.
Isn’t that insane? He’s still a non-person because he was targeted for abortion but survived.
I am shocked and speechless. Words cannot express the sadness I feel over this. It’s beyond absurd and I pray for the daughter who will someday know that her mother tried to have her killed - then sued someone because she wasn’t successful.

It is incomprehensible to me that this is ALLOWED in our “so-called” civilized society.

God help us.
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