Pray for her.
Forgiveness. If you can’t forgive her, then how can you be forgiven?
Always speak to her respectfully. There is never a reason to get angry or yell.
Carefully listen to what she says.
If she starts to get heated in her words, politely tell her you are ending the conversation for now, and you will be ready to continue the discussion when she can speak calmly.
As an adult, you do not have to be obedient to her wishes, but treat what she has to say respectfully.
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.“ Exodus 20:12 NAB
Forgiveness. If you can’t forgive her, then how can you be forgiven?
Always speak to her respectfully. There is never a reason to get angry or yell.
Carefully listen to what she says.
If she starts to get heated in her words, politely tell her you are ending the conversation for now, and you will be ready to continue the discussion when she can speak calmly.
As an adult, you do not have to be obedient to her wishes, but treat what she has to say respectfully.
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.“ Exodus 20:12 NAB
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