Quite so, this list isn’t even complete.
Its also possible that the true religion hasn’t formed yet. All the Abrahamic faiths leave a gap of several thousand years between the start of human civilization and the foundation of their religion. I’m also not aware of any religion that has survived from the dawn of human civilization. It is reasonable, therefore, to suppose that we are in the same situation as those early humans: God’s “true” revelation to humankind has not yet been made, and we have no way to anticipate it.
There is only one religion (Christianity) that claims, based upon the words of its founder, to be the fullness of truth regarding God. Christ claimed to be the Way, the Life and the Truth. He claimed to be God and to reflect the fullness of God. No other religion makes that claim. They claim to teach about the truth, but no credible individual in history claimed to be God, except Christ.
You have to take that claim on its own merits. Either it is a unique truth claim that sets Christ and Christianity apart from all other religions, or it is determinably false. What you can’t do is take a position that the claim itself is no different than claims made in any other religious tradition. It is a claim that sets Christianity apart.
If you wish to debunk the claim, then do that. However, it doesn’t cut mustard to merely pretend the claim is on par with any and all other religious claims, as if merely being a religious claim makes it reliably false. That would be like holding all scientific claims and pseudo-sciences have the same merit regarding believability merely because they are “scientific” in some sense. To be consistent, you would have to insist that someone study all the sciences and pseudo-sciences AND construct complete arguments against all of them before they could, for example, express their agreement with, say, physics. Why do we have any reason for thinking that claim to be true?
I could, for example, express complete agreement with the claims of Christianity without knowing anything about Taoism. Why would it be necessary to disprove Taoism in order to approve Christianity? That would presume, first of all, that Taoism does promote teachings that are irreconcilable with Christianity, but you couldn’t know that a priori, except by presumption. Which is precisely the problem with your claim.
I don’t have to know (or prove) Taoism is false to know Christianity is true. In fact, I don’t need to know anything about Taoism at all to know Christianity is true because whatever it is that allows me to think Taoism is true or false has to precede and be independent of any knowledge I have about Taoism. It is the metaphysical groundwork of my world view that forms the basis upon which religious beliefs are assessed.
You seem to think you have a sufficient understanding of reality to question, for example, Jesus’ grasp of reality. Your purported knowledge is, in your opinion, sufficient to override and determine Jesus’ purported knowledge to be false.
That is the difference between you and I, I suppose. When I read Jesus’ words (and those of the prophets of the OT, I know for certain there is no accumulated knowledge of mine (or yours for that matter) that gives me warrant to claim their words, thoughts and actions are determinably inferior to mine (or yours.) I bow to their authority precisely because of the undeniable conviction I have that they know what I (and you) do not. Your words have not provided the kind of assurance that you know anything that puts into question the teachings of Jesus and the Prophets (and the Church Fathers) - all of whom were quite consistent with each other.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your authority and consistency on the matter of truth falls far short of the cumulative authority of Moses, the Prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the Saints and the Magisterium of the Church.
You say you don’t know - I believe you. But when you claim your lack of knowledge renders you competent to rebut all of the above, that is when your credibility lapses - well, disintegrates, actually.