Mrs. Pelosi received a 100 percent rating from NARAL

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A look at Pelosi’s voting record

Typical for her 20-year House career, Mrs. Pelosi received a 100 percent rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America last year and a 0 rating from the National Right to Life Committee. A Roman Catholic who has repeatedly voted to uphold partial-birth abortion, who has voted against parental notification when minor children seek abortion and who has shown no concern for the rights of the innocent unborn, Mrs. Pelosi has consistently opposed the death penalty.

her campaign literature calls her “Catholic mother of 5” can’t she be sued for trademark infringement?
I wonder, often nowadays, why such people even bother to remain Catholic.
i wonder if she is attending mass and receiving the eucharist. if so, i see no reason why i, a non catholic (and very pro life) is denied the sacrament.
her campaign literature calls her “Catholic mother of 5” can’t she be sued for trademark infringement?
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit”. --Our Lord (Matthew 7)
her campaign literature calls her “Catholic mother of 5” can’t she be sued for trademark infringement?
She does that because our Church lets her get away with it. It is a great tragedy that one complict in the mass murder of our children has a chance of being Speaker of the House.
i wonder if she is attending mass and receiving the eucharist. if so, i see no reason why i, a non catholic (and very pro life) is denied the sacrament.
Because you have much more respect for it than she does.
So what’s it gonna take to defeat these people on election day when all you hear is the Dems are winning? Its so discouraging and worse - the doomsayers are going to be right if these people are chosen. Pray, pray they are defeated!
Unfortunately , it won’t stop the Catholics in the Democratic Party caucus from voting for her for speaker if the party captures the House next week.
So what’s it gonna take to defeat these people on election day when all you hear is the Dems are winning? Its so discouraging and worse - the doomsayers are going to be right if these people are chosen. Pray, pray they are defeated!
Take note. When Republicans compromise on their beliefs as they have since they assumed power, it is only natural the electorate will kick back by kicking the party in power out.

Did you tell the Republicans when they started to nation build, run up debts by spending way too much money, support embryonic stem cell research and not protect our border that it would cost them their jobs, eventually? 😃
Call in to the local radio talk shows and encourage everyone to vote Republican. Get all the evangelicals and conservatives to vote Republican.

Pelosi is a radical and as such has no inhibitions on behavior or tactics. Radicals also ASSUME they have a right to power.

Consider that if Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House and if she can engineer the impeachment of President Bush and VP Cheney, then she, as #3 in succession, would become President.
Her voting record belies the argument that she can’t affect abortion policy because the House doesn’t vote for Supreme Court Justices. Abortion policy is more then just voting for SC candidates.
Her voting record belies the argument that she can’t affect abortion policy because the House doesn’t vote for Supreme Court Justices.*** Abortion policy*** is more then just voting for SC candidates.
Being pro-life is a lot more than where you stand on abortion.
i wonder if she is attending mass and receiving the eucharist. if so, i see no reason why i, a non catholic (and very pro life) is denied the sacrament.
Sometimes I wonder at why the grace for remaining in the Catholic Church is so strong - but then i remember to just trust in the Holy Spirit.
Much criticism here for Mrs Pelosi. Maybe even judgement? One poster would even have all of us vote republican. Why would that poster urge us to vote to support the failed policies of the current administration?

I see another failure from the republicans. What are they doing to turn off the abortion machine in this nation? They have had both houses and the office of president. That’s a lot of power. Makes me wonder about sins of ommission from those who wield power. They could literally vote to do anything they want and what have they brought us. A failed war in Iraq. A failed war on terror in Afganistan. Hatred from the rest of the worlds nations that will haunt us for decades to come. And, yes, I’ll mention it, the loss of countless thousands of innocent lives where our nation makes war.

The republicans boast about fighting the war on foreign soil - not our own soil. We are responsible for those innocents who have died in Iraq on our watch. Their blood is on our hands. Hindsight shows we would have been wiser to leave Saddam in power.

Our veterans have not only died by the thousands, many, many more have come home with terrible wounds. Their lives have been wrecked and they are doomed to great suffering and the costs will be paid by all of us and future generations.

Vote for a republican? No way! Not from this voter.
How many have died in Iraq of our SOliders? 4000 or so?

Because of R Vs W, 3000 INNOCENTS die EVERY DAY.
blackhawk, the reason so many men are going home wounded is because of vast medical improvements in the last 10 years. a lot of those men would have died. at least they are alive to even see their families again. or would you prefer them to be dead? btw, american soldiersare not killing all of those civilians. have they killed some? they sure have. but if you look at the fighting there, it’s mostly muslim vs muslim. the mujahadeen are attacking civilians because they do not belong to the “right” sect. it’s not americans who are carrying out these suicide bombings in masjids (which a lot of times happens during friday prayers) when the masjid will be packed), or in open markets, etc
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