MSNBC Doctor Downplays Vaccine, Says We're In "Decades-Long Battle"

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This is the incremental way of saying: “Control, er ahem, I mean . . . Mitigation is permanent.”

And it would be “permanent” if voters keep putting up with this (Sooner or later they won’t. Eventually this will change but not because of public health “principles” that many of the “experts” are pushing.
Ten years from now Grandpa could STILL get infected by an asymptomatic carrier.
And even if Grandpa has had COVID-19 AND RECOVERED from it five years ago, Grandpa MIGHT NOT now recover!
This is part of the “reasoning” that 12 million Americans who have had COVID-19 and recovered and have antibodies are still being forced to mitigate [mask-up, social distance, quarantine HEALTHY people].)

This is also WHY Dr. Fauci keeps re-defining percent numbers required for herd immunity.

Here is an example of that phenomena (from the New York Times excerpt via the new York Post here) . . .
Dr. Fauci said that weeks ago, he had hesitated to publicly raise his estimate because many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines, which they would need to accept almost universally in order for the country to achieve herd immunity.

Now that some polls are showing that many more Americans are ready, even eager, for vaccines, he said he felt he could deliver the tough message that the return to normal might take longer than anticipated.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”

“We need to have some humility here,” he added. “We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.” . . .
Bold mine.


This doctor (that the thread is based on) is NOT Fauci. . . .

MSNBC Doctor Downplays Vaccine, Says We’re In “Decades-Long Battle”​


They LIKE FORCED “mitigation”.

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Even with multiple vaccines, I see this continuing for years. Most of us will probably be required to get the vaccine or risk losing our jobs. I fully expect the vaccine to become a yearly routine like the flu shot. Over time, there’ll almost certainly be disagreements over the efficacy of certain vaccines too.

Many restrictions will stay in place for quite awhile. I do not see a return to normalcy anytime soon. Mask wearing isn’t going away either.
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March of 2020 a guy aaked this on a musicians forum…
" When do you think things will get back to normal?"

I wrote…

"I’m guessing August 2021 after the first full cold/flu/Covid-19 season starts September of this year.

If we are lucky, we get to go out and play July and August.

By summer of 2021 they should have a vaccine. By 2075 immune systems will be acclimated to it.

All imo based on what several doctors have said. Covid-19 is here to stay."

2075 may be a stretch, but who knows ? Some doctors were already saying it’s here to stay before it was even declared a pandemic (officially)
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Some doctors were already saying it’s here to stay before it was even declared a pandemic (officially)
Like other coronaviruses, it’s definitely here to stay. It’ll probably weaken over the next 5 years though. I suspect that the virus was probably spreading long before it was noticed too.
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Yes, West Virginia had an outbreak late last year of what they assumed was the flu. Now some of their doctors think it may have been Covid 19.
We cannot keep doing this. Once the vaccine has become available to everyone, we need to return to normal.

The last of my children in school was doing really well til they went online–his grades plummeted. And this has happened everywhere.

When we are able to see family, we can’t hug or even see each other’s faces.

And this is not even mentioning the incredible economic cost which has of course fallen on the most economically fragile.

Oh, I can’t even say how mad I am about certain things the federal and especially state and local governments have done.

Once the vaccine is generally available and everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated, by golly, we should go back to our lives. Take off the masks, start traveling, resume visiting our families, start doing all the things that make a society function: taking classes, getting together to do things, making music, talking to complete strangers in the park, exercising!

Decades? Heck no!!! In fact, not even years. Months has been enough!
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The last of my children in school was doing really well til they went online–his grades plummeted. And this has happened everywhere.

When we are able to see family, we can’t hug or even see each other’s faces.

And this is not even mentioning the incredible economic cost which has of course fallen on the most economically fragile.

Oh, I can’t even say how mad I am about certain things the federal and especially state and local governments have done.
I’ll keep you folks in my prayers Annie.

Once the vaccine is generally available
Yes. I would like to see a vaccine too. Right now all we have is a gene modifier coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles to “protect” it when they inject it into your system (coated because your body will reject it).

Then it incorporates into your DNA and codes for a single spike protein of the virus.

It hijacks your own cellular machinery to produce a FOREIGN protein.

So if you have an allergic reaction to that foreign protein, they can’t stop “giving it to you” because you are “giving it to yourself” via your own DNA and subsequent cellular machinery!

There are other possible terrible problems that could arise too. All LATER (these hypothetical problems if they occur, are not going to manifest immediately).

I have already written about them here on CAF.

Native immunity allows your body to make antibodies against MULTIPLE molecular sites on the virus (not merely against “spike protein”).

It also recruits your T-Cell immunity.

So I think if they develop a real vaccine,
it will be better than a DNA modulator (called a “vaccine”)
but native immunity will still be superior.
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Thank you. We have been very fortunate in certain respects: we have not really been hurt economically, but I see more and more people begging by the side of the road, and like so many others, the emotional difficulties involved with the isolation I can see affecting some members of my family so strongly, and I know that we are doing well, and for so many others everything is worse and compounded by economic devastation.

I’ll pray for you and yours as well-- Thank you 🙂
Truly Huxley’s Brave New World has arrived. And of course not only with regard to the long battle with this virus (and, most likely, other viruses) but also concerning the technological revolution, which, as I have stated several times before, whose leaders have now all but taken over our society and world, while we the people have stood by allowing them to do so and even believing (at first) that this was a good thing.
I can see it taking that long to ensure that everyone has had a chance to be vaccinated, when considering the incredible numbers of vaccines that need to be manufactured!
We were told 15 days of lockdown to flatten the curve. hmmmm
We were told lockdown until we get a vaccine. Hmmmm

Both of those were flat out lies.

I still see the lethality of this virus as not something that justifies the taking away of so many freedoms as well as justifying the acceptance that government has the rights to do this.

This is negatively affecting so many people.
Then it incorporates into your DNA and codes for a single spike protein of the virus.
I take that back.

A Ph.D. friend told me it only incorporates mRNA into your cell to produce the spike protein.

It could POSSIBLY enter into your DNA with reverse transcriptase, but he did not see that occurring under usual circumstances (there are possible exceptions - beyond the scope of this post though).

There are still potential issues with foreign proteins (mRNA) being introduced into your cell I was told.

I will be watching to see what happens.
Fauci just nudged herd immunity numbers back down (some) earlier today . . . .
Anthony Fauci

Published 12 hours ago

Fauci claims herd immunity numbers were ‘guestimates,’ settles on 75-80%​

Fauci is confident America will reach herd immunity by the end of summer​

By Peter Aitken | Fox News

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday dismissed accusations that he deliberately moved the goalposts on when the country would vaccinate enough people against COVID-19 to reach herd immunity, saying he was previously offering “guestimates.”

Reported by some outlets as a “confession,” Fauci told The New York Times: “When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent …Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80,85.”

In subsequent interviews, Fauci has focused on the other part of that Times report in which he compared COVID-19 to measles, saying at the time that “I’d bet my house that COVID isn’t as contagious as measles.” . . . .

. . . ."When you get below 90% of the population vaccinated with measles, you start seeing a breakthrough against the herd immunity, people starting to get infected, like we saw in upper New York State and in New York City, with the Orthodox Jewish group . . .

. . . Instead, Fauci claimed that he made “a guestimate,” and he remained firm that a more realistic range would be 75-80% of the Amercian population needing to be vaccinated before the country reaches herd immunity.

“I think 75-80% for herd immunity for COVID-19 is a reasonable estimate, and in fact, most of my epidemiology colleagues agree with me,” Fauci clarified. . . .
Then it incorporates into your DNA and codes for a single spike protein of the virus.
I take that back.

A Ph.D. friend told me it only incorporates mRNA into your cell to produce the spike protein.

It could POSSIBLY enter into your DNA with reverse transcriptase, but he did not see that occurring under usual circumstances (there are possible exceptions - beyond the scope of this post though).

There are still potential issues with foreign proteins (mRNA) being introduced into your cell I was told.

I will be watching to see what happens.
Sounds dangerous Cathoholic!

We cannot keep doing this. Once the vaccine has become available to everyone, we need to return to normal.
I would like to see us return to a new normal where:
  • sick people stay home, and we practice our improved hygiene
  • whether it’s a cold or hayfever, people with symptoms wear a mask when outside
  • Elder facilities retain some measures that protect their charges from infection/death.
We can dramatically cut annual flu deaths without much effort

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I’ve decided not to get an mRNA vaccine after flip flopping on it.

I have tested twice now for antibodies. I got the second test to make sure the first wasn’t a false positive.

So moving forward, when my doc calls and tells me it’s time for my vaccine, I’m going to get a third test for antibodies. If it’s still positive I’ll decline the mRNA vaccine.

Here is my thought on this. Say I’m offered the vaccine March 1st 2021. That will be 113 days since my symptoms of Covid-19 appeared. If I test positive for antibodies again around that time, then that tells me my immune system is as healthy as the mRNA vaccines are effective.

“So we do believe that the vaccine will be effective for at least 120 days, or specifically 119 days.”
That quote pertains to mRNA vaccines.

As of now, reinfections of Covid are rare. So that is another consideration, seeing as though I’ve already been infected with covid-19, recovered, and have tested positive twice for antibodies.

Before my bout with Covid, I worried a lot. I have 5 medical conditions that a severe infection with Covid could put me in the icu. But I dodged a bullet and came out of it with antibodies and the bonus of not smoking a single cigarette for the last 51 days.

Now I’m convinced I’ll survive the pandemic. I don’t mind wearing a mask when I’m in a building with others. I actually wear two when I go inside a grocery or anywhere I may have to pass by someone within 10 feet. And since I found a great deal on masks at 20 cents each there is no temptation to reuse one.

Hand sanitizer is no big deal. I used it before the pandemic during flu season. It’s second nature for me.

All that said, if anyone who hasn’t had Covid yet wants the vaccine, go ahead. It’s easy for me to decide not to because I have antibodies. Either way, even though my doctor told me my infection was mild, I still can say “you don’t want it”.

It produced a different kind of fatigue in me I’d never felt before. One of my neighbors that had it back in the summer described it in similar terms.
I would like to see us return to a new normal where:
  • sick people stay home, and we practice our improved hygiene
  • whether it’s a cold or hayfever, people with symptoms wear a mask when outside
  • Elder facilities retain some measures that protect their charges from infection/death.
We can dramatically cut annual flu deaths without much effort
Great post Theo520!
I have tested twice now for antibodies. I got the second test to make sure the first wasn’t a false positive.

So moving forward, when my doc calls and tells me it’s time for my vaccine, I’m going to get a third test for antibodies. If it’s still positive I’ll decline the mRNA vaccine.

Here is my thought on this. Say I’m offered the vaccine March 1st 2021. That will be 113 days since my symptoms of Covid-19 appeared. If I test positive for antibodies again around that time, then that tells me my immune system is as healthy as the mRNA vaccines are effective.
Congratulations on demonstrating immunity against COVID-19!

It might even be better than you think.

There is MORE than just antibody protection against spike protein. (There are at least two other antibody sites that I am aware of [probably more] that can protect you with native immunity.)

There are other Corona protein surface molecules that can stimulate an immune response in native immunity too. (Maybe you have some of those protections as well?!)

This doesn’t even get into the T-Cell immunity protective sphere as well.

Very good news for you!
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