MSNBC Doctor Downplays Vaccine, Says We're In "Decades-Long Battle"

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Thanks but I’m not sure I’m now immune. But I feel better about my chances coming out of all this on the right side of the grass.

I’m thinking I should go ahead and get tested for antibodies once a month just to see how long they hang around. No one has the answer to that yet so it’s the only way I’m going to know.
I’m thinking I should go ahead and get tested for antibodies once a month just to see how long they hang around. No one has the answer to that yet so it’s the only way I’m going to know.
I suppose that is a possibility.

But what if there are say . . .

. . .Protein site A, B, and C on a corona virus?
And you made antibody to sites B and C?

And they only test you for one antibody (say site C)?

Then if your antibody to C goes down, you still might have antibody to B.

Then with your next exposure, your B not only protects you, but allows you time to effortlessly make antibody to A?

And allows you plenty of latitude for your body to re-kindle your antibody against C too?

This is hypothetical of course.

My post is basically saying it is so much more complex it is hard to gauge with an antibody test which is expressed B-Cell immunity (and doesn’t even take into consideration T-Cell immunity).

But I am glad you have a native defense set-up for yourself.

I wish I had that too. You are fortunate indeed.
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