I was specifically interested in whether you have fully accepted the tenets of white nationalism or were just sorta sitting on the fence there.
I am not, as I’ve already said, a white nationalist. I do not believe in ‘nationalism’. I do not believe in, or want, an ethnically pure state, or race. Radix has many questionable things on it, but my position is not a mainstream one and so it is hard to find things on the fringe that suit exactly my position. The original article that I posted though, I do believe it is useful for explaining some things I agree with with that are necessary to show.
My actual position is difficult, because it will never come about in my lifetime. I believe a monarchy is the best form of government, and I think democracy is by far the worst. I live in a constitutional monarchy, but it the monarch has so little power that really I live in a democracy like most others. Also like most other democracies in the West, I live in a multicultural, multiracial society that has an unprecedented amount of immigration. I do believe that these things will lead, and have led, to decay in all aspects of society. Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve just said that a multi-racial society will lead to decay and use this to call me a racist, but the context is specifically within a democracy.
A democracy will always pit the majority against the minority. That is what it is, it is the tyranny of the majority. In a democracy you can’t have large pockets of people from all around the globe, because either the current majority will turn on them, or when the minority becomes the majority they will turn on the host. Either way, someone will be oppressed by the other. Also, as egalitarianism becomes more and more extreme, freedoms will diminish and the host will become increasingly angry, justifiably so, until eventually they strike back in what will be in extreme way.
And as for multiculturalism, the idea that all cultures are equal and can and should exist side by side, I think this is absurd. There is no equality. I do not think this needs arguing. Multiculturalism is moral relativism, and it will again lead to one group subjugating the other as the frictions between conflicting cultures comes to a head.
Ultimately, I do not know what will happen, but the pendulum will swing one way or the other. I think it’s likely we’ll see democratically appointed fascism again in this century, or communism. Our nations have been practically engineered to collapse in this way.
Do you agree with kinism?
Kinism is a view that some Calvinists have that races and ethnic groups exist for a reason and interracial marriage is evil. They do not go so far to say that some racial groups are superior to others but think that races should stick with each other and not live with other races.
I’m sure ethnic groups do exist for a reason, I don’t think mixing them is evil though. I would say what the article in my original post said, that it’s natural and good to love your own people more than another. You share a bond, it’s normal. Here’s the Aquinas quote from the article:
"Man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one’s parents and one’s country.
"The worship due to our parents includes the worship given to all our kindred, since our kinsfolk are those who descend from the same parents …
And here is the quote from Pope Pius XII in his Summi Pontificatus:
- Nor is there any fear lest the consciousness of universal brotherhood aroused by the teaching of Christianity, and the spirit which it inspires, be in contrast with love of traditions or the glories of one’s fatherland, or impede the progress of prosperity or legitimate interests. For that same Christianity teaches that in the exercise of charity we must follow a God-given order, yielding the place of honor in our affections and good works to those who are bound to us by special ties. Nay, the Divine Master Himself gave an example of this preference for His Own country and fatherland, as He wept over the coming destruction of the Holy City. But legitimate and well-ordered love of our native country should not make us close our eyes to the all-embracing nature of Christian Charity, which calls for consideration of others and of their interests in the pacifying light of love.
So the question is balance. Kinism seems to swing too far in the other direction. I think different races can get along fine, but in modern society we are set up to clash. In a democratic nation I think it is best for a nation to be largely homogenous and for the traditions and culture of the host to be dominant. At the moment, the West seems to be rather sadomasochistic. This is one extreme that I believe will lead to another.
By the way, I’m obviously not American, although most of you seem to be, so your situation is very different and I’m fairly unfamiliar with it, but I did notice one of you say that America was founded on democracy. Did you know that there is no mention of democracy in the constitution? I’m also fairly sure that a good few of the founding fathers also thought of democracy as an evil regime.