My boyfriend and his family believe in Jehovah's Witnesses

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My boyfriend and I get along very well, he’s a really nice guy. We started talking about deep topics and I asked him what he believes in religion wise. He said that he and his family are JWs and that they go to mass once in a while, now, I’m not sure if they fully believe in that religion or if they just go there because they were born into it. I am a Catholic, i was born into it, and now being older I fully have faith in it. Is there maybe any way to open my boyfriends eyes to the truth? And if there isn’t, how can I deal with this?
Yeah we are, I know maybe things will change but, I just wanna know what to do if things don’t change or if I find another guy in the same religion.
I am a Catholic married to a non-Catholic. It is so incredibly hard. Every single day. I would run a mile. I wish someone had warned me. Many people have OK experiences, even my mum, but for me it’s a torture. Literally every day. I would seriously step away.
He said that he and his family are JWs and that they go to mass once in a while, now, I’m not sure if they fully believe in that religion or if they just go there because they were born into it. I
I don’t think you meant to write ‘Mass’. JWs do not have Mass and view it as idolatry.

You probably meant to write ‘Sunday service’.
As another poster has said you probably meant whatever JWs call the weekly Sunday service rather than Mass. They don’t sound like serious JWs if they only go once in a while.

I would advise you to exert extreme caution. The JWs are a cult. You do not want dragging in to it.
Just so you know, JWs believe the whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation is the Catholic Church. So it is probably the most anti-Catholic cult out there. You are walking a mine field, so watch out.
@fior , I’d not recommend this video. My wife and I both got a pretty good eye-roll at it.

@Tis_Bearself had a better reference but I can’t recall who it was.

EDIT: There’s a big difference between a Catholic marrying a non-Catholic Christian and a Catholic marrying a JW. I think it could be a real tough road dating a JW.

I’m not Catholic, but my wife and kids are. We’ve been together over 20, married for over 16 of it, so it isn’t impossible for a mixed relationship to work.
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I’m not the only one on this board who “sees some holes and sweeping stereotypes” in the video.

We may be done here. Do you even know anyone in a mixed relationship? My neighbors are Catholic/Presbeteryian and have been together over 40 years, 3 kids too… I suppose they must be unicorns as well…¯_(ツ)_/¯
OK…now we’re getting away from the video and your pretty ignorant statement about my marriage and whether or not it was real.
LOL, ya…I’m sure there are. We also have examples of Catholic marriages failing here too…

I’ve been around long enough and there are enough posters here that know me, so…

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I’ve watched the video and I think it’s pretty good. Fr. Mike is doing his best within his limitations to present the truth about mixed marriages. He has a short amount of time, and he’s on a youth-oriented forum where people watching only have so much patience. He’s hitting the major points. How could he possibly not make some generalizations to answer this question? Can you do a better job, TC3033? Are you familiar with as many couples as this priest is?

He made numerous qualifications so that nobody could or would think that a Catholic and non-Catholic shouldn’t marry, only that it presents major challenges.

Your wife shouldn’t roll her eyes at this video unless she feels she can do a better job. In that case, link it for us. I promise to watch her video.
I don’t know that yours lines up with what the Church says because I don’t know if you’re telling the truth or not.
I’m tired of fighting the battle of mixed marriages on here. The entire topic simply seems like an excuse for people to be very insensitive, repeatedly, to those who are in or have been in mixed marriages that were good.
I guess this is where we differ. I think honesty in a debate is important.
How could he possibly not make some generalizations to answer this question?
The sweeping generalization about “forcing” your spouse to Mass on Sundays…, couples abound who say they’d “do it over again”, etc…
only that it presents major challenges.
This actually makes my point and is a “nail on the chalkboard”. I would agree that for some it could be an issue it doesn’t “present major challenges” for everyone.
Your wife shouldn’t roll her eyes at this video unless she feels she can do a better job. In that case, link it for us. I promise to watch her video.
It’s because of the generalizations, stereotypes, and and making it sound like all couples would “do it over again”. TBH, I think her video would be pretty good if she did one… 😁 🤔
The entire topic simply seems like an excuse for people to be very insensitive, repeatedly, to those who are in or have been in mixed marriages that were good.
Pretty much…
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