My boyfriend and his family believe in Jehovah's Witnesses

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Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe.
He gave us the church and the sacraments so our journey here is strengthened to walk in his grace and serve him, for a blessing today and heaven tomorrow.

If someone, regardless of who it is, can’t be on board with that, perhaps that’s not the person to chose as a life partner.
TC3033: Would you go as far as saying a Catholic entering a mixed marriage with another denomination of Christian has an equal chance of success to marrying another Catholic?

I hope by marital success we can agree it means “marriage for life,” and the children remaining Catholic.
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You can only really pray for him, educate him about your Catholic faith, dispel any falsities he may have heard and be respectful to the fact not everyone shares our beliefs, and vice versa, but they can still be good people . You can’t really open his eyes, as you say. You can maybe help him to know about your faith through talking, and more importantly your behaviour and example as a practicing faithful Catholic. If he accepts that, then you have no real major issues if you are both just dating. If you are hoping to marry, that may be another thing altogether (if he donesn’t want to engage in any way with the Church, or the Churches teachings on marriage that is).

Just be careful, if you are going to be around anyone who is strongly into the JW “teaching”, you will need to be strong in your faith, not easily manipulated and to know your own mind, If anyone (not neccesarily your bf or parents) try to push any JW manipulation on to you. They often try strong tactics and will no doubt relish a chance to persuade a Catholic into their cult.

I hope it works out, but if not please remember there are plenty (I repeat plenty) of good Catholic young men out there who would make great boyfriends and one day maybe more.

God bless
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Thank you for making me a little more hopeful about this situation 🙂

I talked to him last night about his religion and he says that he doesn’t go to sunday service very often, he’s not fully into it. He says that half of his family is Catholic and the other half is JW and that they get along very well. I asked him if things were to go as far as to getting married, he said he wouldn’t mind getting married at a Catholic church and If we were to have kids in the future, he wouldn’t mind them growing up in the Catholic faith. I told him he’s not forced to go, he goes on his way the few times he goes to the service and i go with my kids and get them baptized, their first communion, and hopefully someday, if i taught them right, they get confirmed by their own will. He said he’s okay with it, so, I don’t think it’ll be very difficult now that I know he doesn’t mind. I just hope things turn out to be good, and if they don’t may God lead me down the right path.

thank you everyone for all of your help ❤️ 🙂
He says that half of his family is Catholic and the other half is JW and that they get along very well.
This is a pretty important and positive factor, that he has Catholics already in the family, that they’re accepted and he wouldn’t even mind being one himself.
Not true. Not frowned on by the Church. Catholics do not need special permission to marry a non-Catholic Christian.
TC3033: Would you go as far as saying a Catholic entering a mixed marriage with another denomination of Christian has an equal chance of success to marrying another Catholic?
That’s person dependent.
I hope by marital success we can agree it means “marriage for life,”
That’s the plan when it comes to marriage…right? 🤷‍♂️
and the children remaining Catholic.
They become adults eventually, there’s only so much you can do.
Catholics do not need special permission to marry a non-Catholic Christian.
I believe the special permission he’s talking about is the dispensation.
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You may well be right but I have a different experience. While I was raised Catholic, my dad converted when he married my mom, long before us kids were born. He was raised Wesleyan Methodist. Somewhere along the line his side of the family converted to JW. My cousin was even an elder in the Church. I’ve never heard them say they believe Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon. In fact I know they did not believe that. They did not agree with some of our beliefs but they never tried to convert us and were always very respectful. My Grandma even bought us presents that just happen to be on Christmas but were not Christmas presents, lol. Now obviously I believe what they teach in the JW faith is very erroneous and 🙏 one day they come to the Catholic faith. That’s all I can do is pray for them.
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Is there maybe any way to open my boyfriends eyes to the truth? And if there isn’t, how can I deal with this?
Speaking from personal experience there might be different issues that arise. My wife was raised as a witness but never baptized. When I met her her family wasn’t practicing but they still held to certain beliefs.

Several years after we got married her family started attending the meetings again and once again have become fully immersed in their faith.

Thankfully it hasn’t been a point of contention for us and rarely, if ever, do our faiths create tension or problems. However, my wife was never baptized as a witness so she’s not disfellowshipped for no longer believing what the society teaches and her parents and sister are allowed to visit and socialize.

If your bf was ever baptized that might present a problem, if they ever fall back into their faith again.
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My advice. Run, don’t walk, run.
Curious coming from an atheist. Would you care to elaborate on this?

I grew up JW. I’ve seen way too many sad endings when a JW and a non-JW get married. Eventually you’ll either be put under enormous pressure to convert, or if your spouse leaves, he or she will be disfellowshipped and shunned.
I’ve never heard them say they believe Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.
That’s what my brother was told when he attended their ‘kingdom hall’. He was also told that certain ‘anointed’ JWs are the 144,000 prophesied in Revelation.
I’ve never heard them say they believe Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.
That’s what my brother was told when he attended their ‘kingdom hall’. He was also told that certain ‘anointed’ JWs are the 144,000 prophesied in Revelation.
It was a constant message. It was in the literature. Maybe they softened a bit, but the JWs were in my time extremely anti-Catholic.
I’m not doubting your brother’s experience. I wonder if some JW Kingdom Halls are more liberal on some of their practices than others? I know they’ve said they don’t believe that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and one of my cousins actually left the JW faith, they never treated him any differently, so I don’t think he was disfellowshipped what ever that means. Funny I am not one to defend JW, because I believe their teachings are very erroneous, lol. All I can do is speak from my experience 😉
It depends on whether you were baptized or not. I left when I was 16, after heavy pressure to be baptized, and I refused. I still see them on occasion and other than trying to get me back to the Kingdom Hall, they don’t have a problem with me. My dad left about ten years ago, and was disfellowshipped, and he’s shunned by most of them.
Not trying to defend the JW because their teaching on a lot of things is false. However, my experience with members of my family is they have always been very respectful and never thought the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon. I’m in my mid 40s, and this has been since I was a kid. Maybe it’s just them? Or maybe they belong to a more relaxed JW Kingdom Hall? Can’t believe I am actually defending JW, lol. Not really defending their faith though, just some of its individuals like my fam. 😉
Wow, sorry to hear that about your father. 😔
Pretty crappie way to treat someone.

So what exactly does disfellowshipped mean? Is it what I think, shunned as in what some of the Amish communities do or the Scientologists do?
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