Either the Universe or some physical reality or someTHING has always existed, or God has always existed.
Whether you are atheist or theist, at the end of the day, something (or some being, like God) must have always existed. Infinite in the past.
THAT’s mind-boggling.
How are we to understand this reality?
I understand that theists say that God is outside of time (he is “eternal” in the technical sense). Yet, God cannot have failed to exist. So whatever one means by eternal, God has always existed.
This is so troubling for me! It’s not shaking my faith or anything like that. It’s a simple fact that anyone can reach: some aspect of existence, whether God or something else, must have always existed. How can we even think of that? You can never reach a beginning if this aspect is infinite past or enteral. It just IS and always has been.
But always has been means there is literally no beginning whatsoever. You keep reaching back. Say you add on another “year” into the past. No beginning. Add another year into the past - no beginning yet. Keep going backwards, and you never reach a beginning. How??
So whether you are atheist or theist, Christian or not… How does this even make sense?!? It must be true… But it’s so… Illogical!