Homeschool Helen,God Bless You! I reread what I wrote, I meant it, but I might have said it better. You did the right thing by being patient and helping. I, too, wanted to be like this but my sister is so angry all the time and is unaproachable. What I have learned is to pray and pray hard! I will pray that you go to the wedding and the priest blesses the marriage!
Peace be with you. Please know that nothing you wrote in your previous post on this thread seemed poorly written or inappropriate for the topic at hand. I appreciate that you shared your experiences and I know that you, as am I, are trying your best to live in Christ and bring your family Home for eternity.
While writing this message, another of my 4 brothers called (I’m the oldest, it was my next younger brother who just called). We talked about a number of things and how my decision making process has developed over the years. It is my hope that in some way, by loving each of my family members, that they can learn that Christ loves each and every one of us, unconditionally.
In our conversation, I talked about how I handle things with my daughter and how when the time is right I will share with her stories of how I made wrong decisions. What’s neat is that I can, in telling him about how I have or plan to converse with my daughter, share with him how I feel about Christ’s infinite love. I don’t forget that I erred, but I know that I have been forgiven. I also accept the responsibility for my errors and seek to make reparations (I didn’t get into this with him, it’s more than he wants to hear right now).
Please Lord, help me to say only that which neeeds to be said, and everything that I need to say to assist in bringing your Word to the world. Help me to speak in Charity. Help me to find that which I love in the people in my life, most especially in those who are difficult to be around. Let me understand your will and develop my will to conform to yours. Help me to have the discipline to make good choices with the use of my time.