Don’t you think that if your daughter was serious about leaving the church she would bother to go to mass with you. Is she attending bible studies, has she mentioned been baptised in this church that she wants to join.
I have been very angry with the Catholic Church for a long time now. When I was going through a tough time I approached the church to try and speak to the priest without any luck. I could not even get counselling for what was happening with me. My husband had left me for another women and I was left with two small children. I went to church every sunday and still I did not get any joy.If you are not Portuguese or are known to the priest you will get no joy. I landed up in hospital for suicide and depression and a women came to pray for me. After that I felt so different. In the Christian Church you get so much support. Why do people feel the need to walk out the church straight after communion. Or they come to church dressed up like they are going to a club or party. Even when it is time for Confirmation kids are dressed up like it is a fashion show not a religious event. And they walk into church late and just have no respect.
They believe in the same things that we do God. I am sorry to say but since I have attended services at this church I have a interest in reading the bible I want to know more about God. I want to pray more. I was so angry at God I felt that he had abandoned me that I was so alone. Why was this happening to me what did I do to deserve it. And I could not even get support during this tough time from my parish. I could not go to another parish as I take public transport. Then I realised that I was angry at the wrong person. Not because I go to this church that I have forgotten what I learnt. There are prayer meetings every Wednesday and you walk out of there like you have been to church. I never read my bible during the week or weekends now I do. I listen to Hillsongs and I feel Gods presence in my life. That is what saved me from totally destroying myself.
When I went to meet this one lady for the first two a year ago she was not judgemental she listened to me and prayed with me and made me feel that I was not alone. During that time they never ever brought the Catholic Church done or expected anything from me even to join their church. This lady taught me so much but most of all to trust in God and have faith in him and believe in him.
All you can do is support your daughter make it clear how you feel but don’t isolate her that she feels that you are not there for her. Ask her if you can go with her to visit this church and then you can see for yourself. This is your child and she is the most important thing in your life and you do not want to loose her because of this. You never ever forget what you have been taught as a child.
I was listening to this guy on TBN yesterday and he was talking about this young boy of 10 years old who was very competitive anyway he went on camp with the church and there was this big trophy there and he wanted to win it and would do anything to win this trophy. What he needed to do is learn 38 bible scriptures off by heart and he did and he won the trophy. Many years later he had forgotten what he learnt and he wanted to play professional sport but got injured and could not. While laying in hospital he started remembering those scriptures that he learnt. Like “I can do everything through God who Strengthens me” and that is how it went.
The moral of the story is that you never forget what you learnt. And once a Catholic always a Catholic. Have faith and believe that God will guide your daughter in the right direction. She is craving for knowledge now and wants to learn more about God and she is learning that even though it is not from what we were daughter but at the end of the day it is still about God.
I have been very angry with the Catholic Church for a long time now. When I was going through a tough time I approached the church to try and speak to the priest without any luck. I could not even get counselling for what was happening with me. My husband had left me for another women and I was left with two small children. I went to church every sunday and still I did not get any joy.If you are not Portuguese or are known to the priest you will get no joy. I landed up in hospital for suicide and depression and a women came to pray for me. After that I felt so different. In the Christian Church you get so much support. Why do people feel the need to walk out the church straight after communion. Or they come to church dressed up like they are going to a club or party. Even when it is time for Confirmation kids are dressed up like it is a fashion show not a religious event. And they walk into church late and just have no respect.
They believe in the same things that we do God. I am sorry to say but since I have attended services at this church I have a interest in reading the bible I want to know more about God. I want to pray more. I was so angry at God I felt that he had abandoned me that I was so alone. Why was this happening to me what did I do to deserve it. And I could not even get support during this tough time from my parish. I could not go to another parish as I take public transport. Then I realised that I was angry at the wrong person. Not because I go to this church that I have forgotten what I learnt. There are prayer meetings every Wednesday and you walk out of there like you have been to church. I never read my bible during the week or weekends now I do. I listen to Hillsongs and I feel Gods presence in my life. That is what saved me from totally destroying myself.
When I went to meet this one lady for the first two a year ago she was not judgemental she listened to me and prayed with me and made me feel that I was not alone. During that time they never ever brought the Catholic Church done or expected anything from me even to join their church. This lady taught me so much but most of all to trust in God and have faith in him and believe in him.
All you can do is support your daughter make it clear how you feel but don’t isolate her that she feels that you are not there for her. Ask her if you can go with her to visit this church and then you can see for yourself. This is your child and she is the most important thing in your life and you do not want to loose her because of this. You never ever forget what you have been taught as a child.
I was listening to this guy on TBN yesterday and he was talking about this young boy of 10 years old who was very competitive anyway he went on camp with the church and there was this big trophy there and he wanted to win it and would do anything to win this trophy. What he needed to do is learn 38 bible scriptures off by heart and he did and he won the trophy. Many years later he had forgotten what he learnt and he wanted to play professional sport but got injured and could not. While laying in hospital he started remembering those scriptures that he learnt. Like “I can do everything through God who Strengthens me” and that is how it went.
The moral of the story is that you never forget what you learnt. And once a Catholic always a Catholic. Have faith and believe that God will guide your daughter in the right direction. She is craving for knowledge now and wants to learn more about God and she is learning that even though it is not from what we were daughter but at the end of the day it is still about God.