Considering that murder of the innocent is not a minor issue, I think they were extremely well intentioned, following the bishops who have held strongly to pro-life, and that there is way too little of this going on, or having gone on since Roe v. Wade.I might have voted that way anyway but I think it inappropriate and an abuse of the name of the Church for them to be partisan.
If an individual who identifies as Catholic, has had two bishops tell him to not present himelf to Communion, and has a running mate who is openly anti-Catholic, and has said he will force the Little sisters of the Poor to violate their faith by forcing them to include abortion in any insurance they provide is the best that the Democrats can do in terms of morals and moral leadership, then it should be the duty of the Church to take a more aggressive stand than they have done in the past how many decades.
I get it that a lot of people are Trump haters; I am not fond of him at all. But he is the first President to openly back pro life groups.
I am not interested in the Church getting into issues of any number of political positions directly, but murder of the unborn is a direct offense against God and life. And it is not just on the national level; it gets down to State and local positions which support murder.
So going through the State and local races is perfectly fine by me on that issue.
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