My Church has LGBTQ Vespers?

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Conclusion: leave the parish.

Solution: seek out a Catholic parish that doesn’t submit to the lies of modernity. FSSP, SSPX, ICRSS, Una Voce, etc.
SSPX is as equally schismatic and divisive as the OP’s parish priest … the only thing is that they disguise it pretty well.
Not quite.

Schismatic is not really applicable to the situation of the Society of St Pius X.
This is a sort of side note, but social justice itself is just ludicrous. True justice involves individual persons with individual actions. Social justice is a perfect oxymoron. It places individuals into a group and relieves them of responsibility for their own actions. To treat someone as an individual is seen as offensive, which is hilarious, and insane. People who fall into the social justice delusion feel offended when you don’t recognize a group identity. That’s part of what this whole discussion is about. I’m sorry, but there should never be a LGBT vespers. You wouldn’t see a straight vespers advertised would you? Or how about a white, or black vespers? In normal logic we would call this racist and bigoted. Treating people differently because of what group they belong to pertaining to their race, sexual orientation, etc.

This is just logic. Yet when this is practiced in our society free speech is snuffed out due to melting snowflakes who can’t handle being an individual, nor differing opinions. I’ve even seen it happen on this forum where someone is banned for having a strong opinion. Nothing vulgar involved. Someone didn’t like it, and poof, they are banned and comment deleted. Respectable speakers are silenced from the largest Catholic University in the U.S., Depaul University. Actually, I can’t even consider it Catholic anymore, nor Notre Dame, which hid crucifixes when Obama visited so there wouldn’t be any footage of them. I know this is a slight tangent. But seriously. Doesn’t anyone else see this?

The people telling you to have an open mind are probably oblivious. Anyone advertising something based on a social justice group identity has an agenda. And let me tell you, it isn’t of the true faith. It is truly sad to see that Catholics have integrated the world into the Church instead of putting the Church out into the world.

Christ never separated anyone into groups. We all have sinned. The only separating he will do will be the sheep from the goats.

I could go on and on.
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Maybe we can get the Vespers protesters hooked up with the Catholic-Muslim prayer service protesters, they can cover twice as much protestin’ in half the time!
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