Yes, I know, one might no sooner than move someplace, and then the TLM would disappear. However, since the FSSP exists by some sort of pontifical right (or whatever the word would be), one has to assume there would be at least some stability.I understand that mooving to an area to have an access to mass that suits us may be be very tempting.
I am not sure however how this option is safe. Bishops have the power to cancelled the TLM, diocesan or from a community if they want. As in Chicago, Corpus Christi…
I guess it depends to what degree we can moove again or are ready to take a risk.
FSSP has a vertical culture and is very discreet from the outside. Not sure that it is the values Pope Francis would want to promote.
Francis’s approach to the FSSP is kind of puzzling. No pope is bound by any constitutions of any order, he can suppress whatever he wants to suppress at will. One would think, if he wants to being the TLM to a close — a “unitary celebration” — that he would tell the FSSP “either adopt the 1969 Missal, in Latin if you must, with ad orientem and all of those things you like if you must, or your fraternity will be shut down”, that he would give them some sort of “sundown date”, let’s say the First Sunday of Advent 2024, and that would be the end of the TLM.
But if he wants to keep the FSSP intact, “as it is”, again, that suits me fine.