My Death Sentence

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hey kowboy. i’ll pray for ya. in a way, i wish we could trade places. i would love to be going home! 🙂 but i know that it can be a scary thing, so know that we are praying for you.

God bless.
Dear Kowboy,
We Pray for Kowboy
He is in the gentle breeze that kisses your cheek,

He is the encouraging word,

The uplifting smile,

The hug you needed when you were brought so low;

He walks beside you.

Kowboy, may the Lord bless you with His Peace, and heal you mentally, physically, especially in the lungs, emotionally & spiritually May you trust in Him and know that He will help you every day of your life. May He guide your physicians and bless all medication. May He send His angels to surround and comfort you and your loved ones.

Spirit of wisdom, guide Kowboy and help him to be open to that guidance. Help him to truly feel that you are with him always with Your Healing Love.

I still have a lot of unresolved anger against my parents who smoked themselves to death, and brothers and sisters who continue to do so, so I would urge you to use this time granted to you for healing within your family, I hope those you love make time to come and visit you, and that through the sacraments you may come to peaceful resignation and a good death when the time comes. Yes, there is such a thing as a good death, a process that completes our earthly spiritual journey and readies us for union with God. This is what I pray for you.
After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
Have often heard the question: “What would you do if you knew how much time you have left, a year left?”
I’ve concluded that daily Rosary and Mass is best in getting ready to meet God, and give all possessions to the Church. If I had money, I’d visit relatives & friends for the last time; but am retired, poor, and live on a low fixed income where most relatives lives 1800 miles away.
Are there others who read this also have been given their death sentence? If so, what would you do with your last days?
Hi Kowboy, I would probably sit down and write a book. I would call it.Is This the Air that I breath? I would dedicate it to all those that smoke. We are all responcible for what we do to our bodies. The consequences of sin is death.But now the Good News.You have time right now to get right with God.Use every moment to the fullest. We are all given a death sentence ,we just dont know when? You need to focus on the promises of God. Thats all you have left.Read your Bible every Day. Fill yourself with His WORD. Pray dayly .He will not abandon you,he has you in the palm of His Hand. You are His precious child and He LOVES you so much.Hes waiting for you with open arms and ready to pick you up. He is preparing a place for you. Get ready pack your bags. Take with you all the precious memories and all the good things you did for Him. God Bless you Brother until we meet in the Kingdom. I can hear the Angels singing and rejoicing already.Praise God.
Thank you for your thoughts and words. Ya, still am here walking amoung earth people…His call hasn’t yet come. I have already made all the arrangements with the Church to give them everything I own, and my sister up north has agreed to accept my ashes when I’m creamated.
Ya, I know I haven’t been on this site for awhile. Sorry about that. I have been playing lots of Canasta thru the Yahoo site as I enjoy it so much to play with others around the country and world. My handle there is “gunslinger613” if ya ever get to that site and find me. Like to meet all you good people!!
God speed…Kowboy
Mysty101 said:

Dear Kowboy,
We Pray for Kowboy
He is in the gentle breeze that kisses your cheek,

He is the encouraging word,

The uplifting smile,

The hug you needed when you were brought so low;

He walks beside you.

Kowboy, may the Lord bless you with His Peace, and heal you mentally, physically, especially in the lungs, emotionally & spiritually May you trust in Him and know that He will help you every day of your life. May He guide your physicians and bless all medication. May He send His angels to surround and comfort you and your loved ones.

Spirit of wisdom, guide Kowboy and help him to be open to that guidance. Help him to truly feel that you are with him always with Your Healing Love.


Thank you. Our Lord upstairs saw you and smiled when you wrote the above! Again, thanks
Thank you for your thoughts and words. Ya, still am here walking amoung earth people…His call hasn’t yet come. I have already made all the arrangements with the Church to give them everything I own, and my sister up north has agreed to accept my ashes when I’m creamated.
Ya, I know I haven’t been on this site for awhile. Sorry about that. I have been playing lots of Canasta thru the Yahoo site as I enjoy it so much to play with others around the country and world. My handle there is “gunslinger613” if ya ever get to that site and find me. Like to meet all you good people!!
God speed…Kowboy
You are on this site. We can meet and talk right here,or you can pm me or others anytime brother. God bless you.
found your post scrolling through, just wanted to say we don’t forget you and are still praying for you, you are not alone.
I will pray for a “happy death” for you. I was watching Fr. Benedict on EWTN Sunday night and he was talking about this. God be with you on your journey! I wish I had something less lame to say, but you are truly in my prayers.
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