Why do we at least accept it must be meaningful, because it’s the greatest thing that can exist? The greatest thing that can exist could be a brutal cold universe? Is this meaningful or just reality?
What property is that?
Ah but this is a problem. Our experience is just that. Our experience. We have 5 senses with which to work with and all that we observe about the universe is that it is a cold and brutal place(even if it is extrodinary to us). Why would you suggest that the universe is contingent? If something is necessary, then there is NO REASON why it could not be an infinite universe. The assumption that the universe is created is just that, an assumption.
If you start with a blank Canvas, the greatest thing that could concievably exist, could be just this. The universe itself.
And now we have these attributes that are attributed to the “necessary” being, and because the universe does not have these attributes it cannot be the God. This, is a circular argument.
If a necessary being exists so be it. But IF that which exists is cold and brutal(which nature pretty much shows us that it is), then attributing goodness to it is something we do because we want to, not because those attributes actually exist.
In other words, just because we want the necessary being to be MORE than the universe doesn’t mean it is. This is what a lot of the critisizms of the OA appear to be getting at.
IE, just because I imagine a painting exists doesn’t mean it actually exists. The painting is an idea, that does not necessarily have to exist, so it is not God. Love, power, knowlege in our human understanding are just “ideas”, not asbolute qualities of a God.
Just because you imagine “good and evil” doesn’t mean they exist. Just because we feel “love” doesn’t mean love is anything more than an illusion created by chemicals in our brain. What actually exists, is chemicals, sub-atomic particles and the universe is the only thing required to explain it.
But you cannot say on one hand, that “god is the greatest concievable thing” and THEN claim that God is what you want to believe is great. IE, just because you want to believe “love” exists and you call it great, does not mean it actually exists and is therefore not a property you can give to God.
The OA may be logically sound, but as soon as you attribute anything to the word “god” you are going into the realm of believing something, not deducing it logically.
At least that’s the way it looks to me