My EWTN Experiences

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I have heard them pray for the Benefactors before. But I agree that they should do it regularly.
One more thing, why do they regularly have so many priests concellebrating Mass? And, on top of that, the priests and brothers, who are sort of tall, sit in the front pews and block the view of the shorter folks behind? If they revised that partition, these tall guys could sit on the sides and let the folks get closer.

During the general intercessions at Mass, why don’t they pray for the EWTN viewers, donors, and the intentions of those participating in the Mass at home? These intercessions are supposed to be sort of a spontaneous part of the Mass where special needs are brought up. Instead, we get a litany of politically correct intentions: the Pope, the bishops, the priests, nuns and brothers…oh, and maybe the people, once in a while.
Pani Rose said:
>>>due to the fact there isn’t much to do down there (touristy stuff) other than EWTN, it makes for a relatively inexpensive vacation<<<

There is plenty to do you just have to know where to look. 😃

Pani Rose

I hope I didn’t offend you about ‘not having much to do’ I loved being down there…don’t get me wrong. But comparing it to Chicago, LA, Disneyland, etc., it’s much easier going!

You can go to and download the audio versions of many of those programs. If you have the latesty realplayer, you can convert the ra files into CD audio and take them with you.
Whew. I like a lot about EWTN and there’s a lot that I dislike.

I didn’t think anybody mentioned Fr. Dubay or the program on GK Chesterton. Fr. Dubay has had some interesting series. My problem is not being consistent enough to see all the episodes.

I’d like to see a program where they simply read scripture for a half hour each day, perhaps with some relevant art being displayed.

I think Raymond Arroyo is a bit wordy, to say the least. He said once, on M. Angelica LIVE, that he was the “Vanna White” of EWTN. ??? I don’t think so.

Send your comments to EWTN at

I apologize. I never intended that.

I was just trying to share some inexpensive things one can do without adding much cost to the vacation.

Like, I said the best part is seeing EWTN and the Shrine. 👍

Infact one added thing, is the Charismatic Conference coming up in Sept. There is an awesome list of speakers. The conference is called Let the Fire Fall. / e-mail:

Pani Rose
Not a problem at all! Thanks for the speaker info. I’ve seen Fr. Pacwa here in STL. He was here for the Marian Conference this past January. Talked about the New Age stuff. He’s excellent.

Pani Rose:

I apologize. I never intended that.

I was just trying to share some inexpensive things one can do without adding much cost to the vacation.

Like, I said the best part is seeing EWTN and the Shrine. 👍

Infact one added thing, is the Charismatic Conference coming up in Sept. There is an awesome list of speakers. The conference is called Let the Fire Fall. / e-mail:

Pani Rose
I first e-mailed EWTN on March 4 this year. Months before I started to read Fulton Sheen. They e-mailed back on March 17th.

The Nuns, Priests and Brothers will be praying for you for the next 30 days for 24 hours a day in front of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. God bless.

Perhaps they stack up all their prayer requests and pray for them.

On June 19, I started getting instructions more closely from Fulton Sheen (started reading his books). And on August 11 I turned in the paperwork for RCIA at my parish.

Without EWTN, I wouldn’t have been watching Fulton Sheen on TV.
Great Thread! I appreciate it when people share their wonderful visits to both of these locations, Shrine and EWTN. I too have had the marvelous opportunity to visit both locations on a few occassions. I agree wholeheartedly that the reverence and piety that are exhibited are truly inspiring!

I can only hope that everyone could have the opportunity to visit these wonderful venues.


PS: Marc and Jenny you also have a marvelous site to visit close to you, over in Belleville, IL (my hometown) - Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. This place has been inspiring me since I was a young lad in the late 50’s and early 60’s and still is working today as well. God Bless!
I voted for Mother Angelica because without her there would be no EWTN to enjoy. My favorite programs are *The Journey Home *with Marcus Grodi, *The Web of Faith *with Fathers Levis and Trigilio, Fr. Corapi’s Catechism series, Johnnette Benkovic’s *Living His Life Abundantly, *and any program with Fr. Groeschel. I do miss Mother Angelica on the air. I imagine if I could have met Saint Teresa of Avila, she would have reminded me of Mother Angelica. Both have a tremendous sense of humor.
THANKS larryo! It is worth quoting you, you express my sentiments. Does Father Corapi have a gift of preaching & teaching? YES!!
I like the Q&A show (Web of Faith) with Frs. Trugilio and Lewis where they answer questions that come in online. It’s a really good way for people to learn.
MarcPekny said:
(note: I am not paid by EWTN or anyone to put in this info…just sharing)

Anyway, if you have had similar experiences, share them or you may ask me specific questions. God bless you!

Marc :gopray2:

PS: If you go there…be sure to dress modestly (no shorts, tank tops or short skirts). They have modesty clothing to borrow if you forget.
Just a suggestion…Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Catholic Answers could form a group pilgrimage to EWTN? :clapping: :clapping:

Cable TV is not within my budget, but if it were, I should want to have EWTN. I have seen it now and again in friends’ homes for short periods.
But Catholic Radio is available to me and I listen to it quite a bit. About the only things I care to listen to on my car and home radios are Catholic Radio, National Public Radio and the local classical music station.
While I voted with the majority (a RARE thing for me to do on polls!) choosing the live shows as my personal favorites, I think that Mass and devotions on EWTN are extremely important, as our older Catholics are not often able to get to them in person. May God bless Mother Angelica and all those who make EWTN go!
The teachers. Scott Hahn, Fr Corapi, Fr Shannon, Fr Bill Casey. they teach me and give me joy. Our mass here is wonderful (Father is from Poland no less ! He’s great). But our adult ed comes mostly from The Nat’l Catholic reporter and Boston College blech ! I am so hungry to know Jesus and his Church. :bounce:
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