My first book burning!

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I understand your frustration… but consider…

To follow that logic to its ultimate conclusion:

If an abortion clinic opened next door to you in spite of letter writing, calling politicians, prayers, having people sign petitions didnt work according to some pre-determined cut off date you may impose…Would your next step be to fire bomb that abortion clinic or threaten the life of a doctor? :confused: Of course not!

Stick with burning your private property, its much safer and more legal.

Now…if you were to go into the library and create your own system as to where those kind of books were located…oh, I dont know…putting them in some boring genre sections on the bottom shelf somewhere… 😉
Oh now, visit the “In The News” I’m just about the only sane one over there when it comes to speaking out against Rudolph.

For the most part I’m jestign about buring the librarys books, I do hide them every time I visit though. 😉 I need to donate some good ones, every stinking one the have is vile.
Remember the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Freedom is the right to do what you ought, not the right to do what you want.
I need to donate some good ones, every stinking one the have is vile.
Just try and see if you can keep a CCC on their shelves. I bet it disappears, unless they hide it in reference. Our library finally got one to stick there.
You know, I never did read “Farenheit 451”. Maybe I should get around to doing that sometime.
Wow… I’m sorry, but this thread upset me very much. I’m a book collector (who has paid a LOT of money for certain treasures in the past!!), and as far as I’m concerned. burning a book, no matter what the content is just plain wrong. Okay, in the past “Mein Kampf” and “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” were burned. However, we must not forget that many bibles (as well as Christians!) were also burned. Can we not forget that some of the works of Mark Twain, Arthur Machen, J.D. Salinger, etc. were also burned? Recently, lunatics have decided to burn JK Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. Books are the greatest possible testament to mankind’s intelligence and/or dominion over all creatures on earth, and burning a book is, in my opinion, one of the greatest sins one can commit. Don’t like a book? Give it away… sell it… donate it… do whatever, bud don’t consign it to the flames… Sorry to go on, but this is really a sore subject with me. I love ALL books, whether I agree with 'em or not. I can’t even bring myself to sell off my cheapo paperbacks to save a bit of space and/or to make a few bucks on the side.
My final word… NEVER burn a book… Donate it to a local library, take it to the local used bookstore for credit toward future purchases, but never, never burn a piece of man’s legacy in the printed word (and I don’t care if it’s porno, IT’S a BOOK!!!).
BTW, If you should decide to have a garage sale full of books, please let me know… I may just be interested in seeing what you have for sale.

For the most part I’m jestign about buring the librarys books, I do hide them every time I visit though. 😉 I need to donate some good ones, every stinking one the have is vile.
and as a bookstore manager and book lover, i’d like to express my extreme displeasure over the idea of ‘hiding books’.

for one thing, you create tons of work for our honest librarians, trying to find and relocate the books you’re hiding.

second, it really bothers me when the zealous protestants at my bookstore (the one i used to manage, and i still patronize frequently) hide the catholic books they disagree with. it strikes me as extremely childish and silly.

i think that the best answer is to promote the reading of GOOD books, rather than the burning of bad ones.

because what i consider a good book may be considered a terrible one by my neighbor. do unto others, you know.

long live benedict xvi!!
I don’t know. Burning books, particularly those that belong to the library and to other people, reminds me of a quote by Heinrich Heine:

“Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.”

(There, where they burn books, they will burn people in the end)
Well, as much as you may want to, you can’t burn the library’s books. They aren’t yours. I’m sorry they “drip with the bile of Satan.” But, that simply isn’t your choice to make.

Why does this remind me of something Ray Bradbury wrote?

Wow… I’m sorry, but this thread upset me very much. I’m a book collector (who has paid a LOT of money for certain treasures in the past!!), and as far as I’m concerned. burning a book, no matter what the content is just plain wrong. Okay, in the past “Mein Kampf” and “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” were burned. However, we must not forget that many bibles (as well as Christians!) were also burned. Can we not forget that some of the works of Mark Twain, Arthur Machen, J.D. Salinger, etc. were also burned? Recently, lunatics have decided to burn JK Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. Books are the greatest possible testament to mankind’s intelligence and/or dominion over all creatures on earth, and burning a book is, in my opinion, one of the greatest sins one can commit. Don’t like a book? Give it away… sell it… donate it… do whatever, bud don’t consign it to the flames… Sorry to go on, but this is really a sore subject with me. I love ALL books, whether I agree with 'em or not. I can’t even bring myself to sell off my cheapo paperbacks to save a bit of space and/or to make a few bucks on the side.
My final word… NEVER burn a book… Donate it to a local library, take it to the local used bookstore for credit toward future purchases, but never, never burn a piece of man’s legacy in the printed word (and I don’t care if it’s porno, IT’S a BOOK!!!).
BTW, If you should decide to have a garage sale full of books, please let me know… I may just be interested in seeing what you have for sale.

Agreed. A book is a book, no matter how vile. My eyes went wide when I saw the title of this thread. Burning books reminds me of the “Reformation”, for some odd reason…

However… If it is something abhorrent or heretical, please DO NOT hand it over to someone else who may fall into error because of it; rather (and only if it is your own book, obviously), keep it as far away from peering hands and eyes as possible, maybe even put a note on it saying that “this contains erroneous teaching and is not faithful to the Magisterium of the Church” or something to that effect so that, should anyone find it in the darkest, most hidden away corners of your attic they will know exactly what they are opening. Again, I beg you, please do not leave it at a library or bookstore or even a garage sale!
Just try and see if you can keep a CCC on their shelves. I bet it disappears, unless they hide it in reference. Our library finally got one to stick there.

Bet your bottom they will get a few before too long.
Wow… I’m sorry, but this thread upset me very much. I’m a book collector (who has paid a LOT of money for certain treasures in the past!!), and as far as I’m concerned. burning a book, no matter what the content is just plain wrong. Okay, in the past “Mein Kampf” and “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” were burned. However, we must not forget that many bibles (as well as Christians!) were also burned. Can we not forget that some of the works of Mark Twain, Arthur Machen, J.D. Salinger, etc. were also burned? Recently, lunatics have decided to burn JK Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. Books are the greatest possible testament to mankind’s intelligence and/or dominion over all creatures on earth, and burning a book is, in my opinion, one of the greatest sins one can commit. Don’t like a book? Give it away… sell it… donate it… do whatever, bud don’t consign it to the flames… Sorry to go on, but this is really a sore subject with me. I love ALL books, whether I agree with 'em or not. I can’t even bring myself to sell off my cheapo paperbacks to save a bit of space and/or to make a few bucks on the side.
My final word… NEVER burn a book… Donate it to a local library, take it to the local used bookstore for credit toward future purchases, but never, never burn a piece of man’s legacy in the printed word (and I don’t care if it’s porno, IT’S a BOOK!!!).
BTW, If you should decide to have a garage sale full of books, please let me know… I may just be interested in seeing what you have for sale.

It’s stack of paper that is glued at one end.

And if it’s mine, and I don’t want anyone else to ever read it, WOOF!
Just keep in mind, how much rage would you feel if in the science section every book they had on the biology of the human person asserted that Negroes were another race, fit only for physical labor? Or if every book they stocked in the history section denied the Holocaust?

Then would be a great outcry from the people! Why then do we allow them to pass off heretical writings as the teaching of the Church?

Like I said, there is a long way to go before I would be willing to destroy them, (the libraries books that is,) My first course of action is to ask if they will include a sticker on the cover stating: “The views in this book are found to be contrary to the official teaching of the Catholic Church.” That I believe is a fair compromise. If the letter alone won’t do the trick, then I will attempt to collect signatures requesting the same.
Ok we need to remember Church history on this topic;
Was the books, scrolls in the early centuries of The Church burned turing the Roman Empire Persecutions. AND the iconoclasts of the 5th and 6th. centuries in the East.

How would you react if the stance was the other way around? If, and I believe, when we are persecuted again, WE WILL scramble to SAVE our Holy books, icons, video and audio.

Here is an idea…
Maybe take the offending book out of the library. Then return the book and say you need to renew it again. After the second time, let someone you know then take the book out again and repeat the same process.

However, two things can happen. Either keeping the book our will prevent those who may read it may agree with it OR the library will see that these books are ‘popular’ and order more by the same author. I do know the books are scanned and recorded.

Any thought here on this?
A few more things to note.

I post with my last name as my handle. I have my town and state in my profile. I even have a link to my picture in my sig. Even in the zeal of my youth, I’m not that stupid.

Just as a flag, a book is not intrinsically sacred. Rather, what the flag/book stand for is what determines the respect due to them. I would never advocate burning a nations flag, but the jolly roger? Sure why not? It’s just printed cloth. Burn a novel or historical writing? No. A used coloring book, pornographic magazine, or heretical book meant only to deceive otherwise good Catholics? WOOF!
Going through some boxes in the garage I found a book by fr. cough heretic cough Richard McBrien. Apparently some priest had given it to my wife when she first joined the Church.

WOOF! It went.

Please people, destroy these things. Our public library has a few books that I think may get “disappeared”.
Gee, I doubt you could gte rid of all the sinful boks in the library – why not burn the whole thing down?

You’re free to burn your own books, but stealing books you disapporve of from a public library is despicable. I used to own a used bookshop and every year we celebrated Banned Books Week – there are people all over the country just like you with their own list of books they want removed from libraries for reasons ranging from “immorality” to “racism” to “sexism”.

The way to fight error is with truth. If your library doesn’t have any sound Catholic books or periodicals recommend some to them – or donate some. The lack may be due to ignorance rather than malice.

Going through some boxes in the garage I found a book by fr. cough heretic cough Richard McBrien. Apparently some priest had given it to my wife when she first joined the Church.

WOOF! It went.

Please people, destroy these things. Our public library has a few books that I think may get “disappeared”.
Since you obviously can’t see the sin in taking another’s property and destoying it (stealing), I think you ought to talk with your priest so he can set you straight. Your proposed action not only breaks the civil law, it also breaks God’s Law. And you seem proud of that?

Aunt Martha
Since you obviously can’t see the sin in taking another’s property and destoying it (stealing), I think you ought to talk with your priest so he can set you straight. Your proposed action not only breaks the civil law, it also breaks God’s Law. And you seem proud of that?

Aunt Martha
Jesus didn’t seem too worried when he broke tables, scatter people money, and drove animals (saleable merchandise) out of the temple. Wasn’t this the destruction of another’s property? Wasn’t Jesus sinning?
Jesus didn’t seem too worried when he broke tables, scatter people money, and drove animals (saleable merchandise) out of the temple. Wasn’t this the destruction of another’s property? Wasn’t Jesus sinning?
Um, NO. The Ten Commandments were commandments for us - humans. Jesus is God, remember? And he destroyed the property because it was defiling the temple. God often destroyed property and even people. Check out the Old Testament once in a while and see what I mean.

Aunt Martha
Um, NO. The Ten Commandments were commandments for us - humans. Jesus is God, remember? God often destroyed property and even people. Check out the Old Testament once in a while and see what I mean.

Aunt Martha
Oh gee, thats for the advice. I’ve never read that side of the bible before, it sounds fascinating.
Since you obviously can’t see the sin in taking another’s property and destoying it (stealing), I think you ought to talk with your priest so he can set you straight. Your proposed action not only breaks the civil law, it also breaks God’s Law. And you seem proud of that?

Aunt Martha
Sometimes it helps to read the whole thread before posting,

btw, WOOF!
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