My first indult TLM: What to bring, What to expect?

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Hey everyone, there’s a very good chance that I will be going to an indult TLM near me this weekend. Although I know some things about the TLM, and although I have read out of a 1950’s missal, I know that there will be some things that I don’t expect. So, could some people maybe give me some general advice on what to expect and perhaps answer my questions, which are as follows:
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
  2. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
  3. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
  4. Creed - In Latin?!
  5. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
  6. How long is the TLM?
  7. Average age of those attending TLM?
  8. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
  9. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
  10. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
  11. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  12. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Thanks! 🙂
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
Whatever is acceptable in your area for an English mass should be o.k. for an indult mass.
  1. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
You’re supposed to kneel to receive, even if you’re not in the first pew.
Creed - In Latin?!
The entire mass is in Latin, except for the announcements and homily which are in the vernacular, and technically not considered part of the mass.
Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
Noncatholics are permitted to attend.
How long is the TLM?
Traditionally , when it was universal, the TLM varied from 20 minutes to a couple of hours.
  1. Average age of those attending TLM?
  1. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
Go, and see. Of course when the TLM was universal, the average age was the average age of all the Catholics in the community.
  1. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
The previous longer fasts are not considered part of the TLM, the current fast is what is required to receive.
  1. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
  1. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  1. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Sometimes for both. The amount of incense in the Latin mass varies widely.
Hey everyone, there’s a very good chance that I will be going to an indult TLM near me this weekend. Although I know some things about the TLM, and although I have read out of a 1950’s missal, I know that there will be some things that I don’t expect. So, could some people maybe give me some general advice on what to expect and perhaps answer my questions, which are as follows:
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
    SUIT. SHIRT COLOR IS YOUR CHOICE. If Extremely hot, then Slacks, Nice shirt…NO tennies.
  2. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
  3. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first
  4. Creed - In Latin?!
  5. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
    NOT YET.
  6. How long is the TLM?
    LOW MASS=1:15. HIGH MASS=1:40.
    +/- 10 min for variable sermon
  7. Average age of those attending TLM?
  8. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
  9. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
  10. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
    ** 11) Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  11. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
ps. If you do not wear the Crucifix and/or Scapular, consider doing so.
You’ll see more variety of veils than you ever thought existed.

The Church should have misselettes without the proper of the day. You can get the Proper off the internet.

  1. Whatever you feel comfortable in…I always wear a suit just like all the other men do at my Parish.
  2. Gently Tap…no need to punch yourself LOL 🙂
  3. Most definitely and you will be kneeling at the Communion rail
  4. Yes it is in Latin…at my Parish we sing it in Latin…Chances are on your first Mass, you will be completely lost, even with a Missal…unless you have someone with you that is experienced and can tell you where you are in the Mass (will explain below)
  5. It may be overwhelming for a non-Catholic…they will be completely lost and in pain, because there is a lot more kneeling than you find at a NO Mass…The TLM is overwhelming even for Catholics the first time I believe…let alone a protestant.
  6. Roughly an Hour for Low Mass and about one and a half for a High Mass.
  7. It varies…we have lots of young couples (20-30’s)…large families ranging from infants to people in their 50’s…and older couples (70-80’s)
  8. I personally feel like there is no greater experience even though there are those who would disagree.
  9. I always do…I try to fast from midnight the night prior. (which is strictly voluntary)
  10. Yes…except while distributing Communion and saying the words Dominus vobiscum and Oremus…which is latin for “The Lord be with you” and “Let us pray”
  11. Incense only during High Mass
  12. At my Parish…Yes…at yours, I guess you will have to make that decision 🙂
I hope I was helpful…please email me any further questions you may have…Don’t be discouraged if you are completely confused at your first TLM…it is hard to follow especially if you don’t know ecclesiastical Latin…it is difficult to hear the priest at times. I recommend sitting about halfway back from the front…that way you can see the people in front of you and know when you should stand, sit, or kneel…there are those that are completely lost, and you will be able to tell, because they will be standing when they should be sitting and sitting when they should be kneeling…etc. I have a St. Andrew’s Daily Missal which is excellent…but don’t fret if you don’t have one yet, they usually put a Latin-English Missal in the back for everyone to have a copy during Mass…just return it. If you need a good place to get a Missal…just let me know. It took me several times of attending the TLM before I got the hang of things and knew where we were exactly during the Mass and felt comfortable. Now I know when to sing, sit, stand, kneel, etc…I love it…I am even becoming pretty good on my Latin pronunciations, etc. Also, keep in mind, your knees are going to be sore until you get used to the substantially longer amount of time you spend on your knees.

I love the reverance and beauty of the TLM…I just hope you are blessed with a wonderful Parish like I have…we have a great priest, great parishioners…a beautiful Church and a angelic sounding Choir.
Hey everyone, there’s a very good chance that I will be going to an indult TLM near me this weekend. Although I know some things about the TLM, and although I have read out of a 1950’s missal, I know that there will be some things that I don’t expect. So, could some people maybe give me some general advice on what to expect and perhaps answer my questions, which are as follows:
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
  2. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
  3. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
  4. Creed - In Latin?!
  5. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
  6. How long is the TLM?
  7. Average age of those attending TLM?
  8. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
  9. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
  10. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
  11. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  12. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Thanks! 🙂
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Been there done that recently by attending a Latin Mass for the first time, but I understand it wasn’t a true TLM. However, it was a very positive experience for me. Unlike the many parishes I’ve attended, there is total silence with little eye-contact as you enter. People are highly focused on prayer and God. Please don’t mistake this as a “coldness” as it is far from cold. At the church I went to, that was my initial impression but it soon changed and I could feel the dynamics that were operating at a deep level within people.

I found the people to be highly reverent, genuflecting deeply and with purpose, for example. Even children walk slowly and respectfully.

As far as the gestures, just relax. More than likely you’ll receive a booklet as you walk in and if you can follow, it often tells you to bow or to strike the breast (a tap). Bows are held long from my experience so expect that. Ask the usher which Canon they are likely to use and if they can show you the page. This is where I got lost as there are like 4 of them. Often these booklets will have English on one side so you can follow along.

Also remember that everyone in there had to struggle with finding their place in the Mass with regards to Latin and then learn to make the pronounciations. Sometimes it runs fast so even if you can read it, they are fluent enough to let it roll. I have found them to be enthusiastic and vocal participants once they have it down. Don’t be intimidated. If you are fluent with the Mass in general, like me, you may find that you fully comprehend what is being said, but with your heart, not your ears. At the church I went to, they actually had tapes you could borrow with many common prayers in Latin so you could get the pronounciation, flow and cadence down. The prayers themselves can be found abundantly on the web.

Expect some parts of the mass to be inaudible, especially consecration. This actually grabbed my attention when the priest barely whispered the words at that point. There is a meaning to this and I had once found it on the web but can’t find the link (someone help me out if you know where to find it). The inaudible portion has something to do with Jesus having already spoken the words Himself.

When I first went to communion at this church, I didn’t know if kneeling at the rail was going to allow for reception in the hand of Holy Communion. I kept glancing out to the side and could see no one receiving it this way, but then when that plate got slid so closely under my chin, there was no room for reception by hand. Once again, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. What was awkward at first in a matter of days became my preferred choice of receiving Holy Communion. I’ve been attending daily as that parish is where a group of lay Carmelites are based and I’m going to be joining. This daily attendance has given me a better opportunity to experience this mass better. I realized that I did not have all the distractions associated with walking up, then at the last minute seeing the host and saying “Amen”. You see it at the last minute at the rail too, but you’ve been kneeling there preparing yourself, not subconsciously people-watching on the way up. I get the biggest rush from communion now that nearly two weeks have gone by.

Everything has a purpose in such a Mass. When you get out you may have lots of questions. I have found it fun to explore those things, even the minor nuances.

Have fun!
*"…then at the last minute seeing the host and saying “Amen”."

*At least at my TLM parish, we don’t say Amen at the Eucharist, we just lean our head back, stick out our tongue, and wait for the priest to put the Host on our tongue. Be prepared, the priest has done it so many times that you may have a difficult time feeling him put it on your tongue.
Hey everyone, there’s a very good chance that I will be going to an indult TLM near me this weekend. Although I know some things about the TLM, and although I have read out of a 1950’s missal, I know that there will be some things that I don’t expect. So, could some people maybe give me some general advice on what to expect and perhaps answer my questions, which are as follows:
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
  2. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
  3. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
  4. Creed - In Latin?!
  5. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
  6. How long is the TLM?
  7. Average age of those attending TLM?
  8. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
  9. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
  10. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
  11. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  12. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Thanks! 🙂
1.) any of the above are perfectly appropriate.
3.)Go to communion rail
6.)usually one hour if not a special holy day.
7.)It is variable. All ages attend.
8.) Like heaven on earth (if it is done correctly)
9.) Not unlawful to fast only one hour, but HIGHLY recommended to do the old “from midnight” fast.
10.) Yes, but really he is facing God with the people. God is the focus, not the people.
11.)It depends on how well the NO is done, and what TLM is done. If it is a high, sung, or solemn TLM then yes. If it is low, there is no incense at all.
12.) Yes! BTW, mantillas make me googly eyed!

God Bless!
  1. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Thanks! 🙂
ah yes, everybody has an agenda, but I think this might be a pretty good one, you are on the right track, good luck. Another thread on the TLM has some good pick up lines you might want to try.
Which one??? I want some Latin Mass pickup lines 😉
ah yes, everybody has an agenda, but I think this might be a pretty good one, you are on the right track, good luck. Another thread on the TLM has some good pick up lines you might want to try.
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
Wear what you would wear to Church on any other day.
  1. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
Neither. You’re not expected to physically participate in the Confiteor.
  1. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
Just get in line and follow.
  1. Creed - In Latin?!
Yup. Look for a red missal near the entrance to the Sanctuary. Your ushers may be distributing them at the entrance too.
  1. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
Why not?
  1. How long is the TLM?
Low Mass = 50 minutes or so. High Mass = 90 minutes or so. I hope you’re attending a High Mass for your first experience.
  1. Average age of those attending TLM?
Ummm - beats me. You’ll see crying babies, old people and everyone in between.
  1. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
How about you come back here after Mass and tell us.
  1. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
All Catholics are required to fast one hour before receiving Holy Communion. It doesn’t matter which mass you attend…
  1. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
At some points he does, at others he doesn’t. You’ll see.
  1. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
I would say so.
  1. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
See 7. Be sure to get to Mass a half an hour early so you can go to Confession first.
The Creed?

You aren’t expected to recite anything. In Pittsburgh, people sing the Gloria, etc… the Creed.
Another place I have been they don’t say anything. They “hear mass.”

Does he have his back turned?
Yes. Everyonce in a while he turn around and say something.

You don’t have to cover your head. Some do… I’ve seen girls wearing Pixburgh Stillers winter ski hats… my personal favorite I’ve seen in church. Far better than those stupid mantillas. Some wear nice hats… far better than lacey veils. Some wear no head coverings… far better than those lacey veils/mantillas.
At my parish, the Creed is sung…along with the Gloria…during the Creed you must genuflect during the words “And was made Flesh by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: AND WAS MADE MAN.”

The OP is a man…I don’t know of any guys that would cover their head during Mass…and about Mantillas…there is nothing stupid about them. It looks very reverant when a woman wears one…I would be offended if a woman wore an LSU beanie or something like that…I like to see women my age at Mass dressed modestly and reverently and wearing a Mantilla.
The Creed?

You aren’t expected to recite anything. In Pittsburgh, people sing the Gloria, etc… the Creed.
Another place I have been they don’t say anything. They “hear mass.”

Does he have his back turned?
Yes. Everyonce in a while he turn around and say something.

You don’t have to cover your head. Some do… I’ve seen girls wearing Pixburgh Stillers winter ski hats… my personal favorite I’ve seen in church. Far better than those stupid mantillas. Some wear nice hats… far better than lacey veils. Some wear no head coverings… far better than those lacey veils/mantillas.
Hey everyone, there’s a very good chance that I will be going to an indult TLM near me this weekend. Although I know some things about the TLM, and although I have read out of a 1950’s missal, I know that there will be some things that I don’t expect. So, could some people maybe give me some general advice on what to expect and perhaps answer my questions, which are as follows:
  1. Attire - Suit? Sports coat? White shirt and tie? Which one is acceptable?
  2. Beating your breast - gentle tap or strong punch?
  3. Communion in mouth - How to get it there if not in the first pew?
  4. Creed - In Latin?!
  5. Bring a non-Catholic friend to witness?
  6. How long is the TLM?
  7. Average age of those attending TLM?
  8. How does the TLM feel compared with the Novus Ordo Mass?
  9. Fast more than one hour before Mass begins?
  10. Does the priest have his back turned to the people in the Indult TLM Mass?
  11. Is there more incense in the TLM than in the Novus Ordo Mass?
  12. Do nice, sweet girls attend the TLM?
Thanks! 🙂
You may want to bring a rosary along to pray. With their backs turned, their propensity to mumble and use of Latin, many priests cannot be heard or understood.

You’ll also want to avoid the “rad-trads.” They’ll be the ones dressed in cheap suits carping about “Mahony.”
Pariah Pirana:
You may want to bring a rosary along to pray. With their backs turned, their propensity to mumble and use of Latin, many priests cannot be heard or understood.

You’ll also want to avoid the “rad-trads.” They’ll be the ones dressed in cheap suits carping about “Mahony.”
Oh no, we *couldn’t *have a nice discussion about the Traditional Mass. That’d be far too boring. But hey, at least we got to post #14 this time!


Everyone else has given good advice, but I think I agree with rcn the most. Go to the Latin Mass and post about your experience when you get home.
Pariah Pirana:
You may want to bring a rosary along to pray. With their backs turned, their propensity to mumble and use of Latin, many priests cannot be heard or understood.

You’ll also want to avoid the "rad-trads."
**I doubt if St Pius X or Pius XI would be there! **But, just in case, here are the last known mug shots of these 2 Rad-Trads:

One of his writings that proves his Rad-Trad agenda.

A closeup:

Then there is the infamous Pius XI:

In reading His most famous Encyclical, he seems more like the Father of Rad-Trad.
The full scoop on these RAD-Trads can be found here
The Mass is the perfect prayer and I do not believe it is appropriate to pray the Rosary during Mass…that is just not right. The Rosary prior to Mass or afterwards is ok…but not during. Private prayer is not allowed during Mass.

Secondly, where do you get this “rad-trad” statement from…frankly, I am getting sicked and tired of intellectual discussions regarding tradition and the traditional mass always having those who feel the need to levy cheap shots against those of us that favor the traditional mass. It is not funny and it is not appropriate. First of all…I know some people you would consider “rad-trads” who dress in $2,000 Brooks Brother suits…cheap? I think not…secondly, I know people across the whole spectrum of Catholicism from the most orthodox to the most heterodox who has issues with Cardinal Mahoney…the man is a renegade and does not follow the directives from Rome.

QUIT TAKING CHEAP SHOTS!!! All you do is prove just how ignorant you are on the subject.
Pariah Pirana:
You may want to bring a rosary along to pray. With their backs turned, their propensity to mumble and use of Latin, many priests cannot be heard or understood.

You’ll also want to avoid the “rad-trads.” They’ll be the ones dressed in cheap suits carping about “Mahony.”
Pariah Pirana:
You may want to** bring a rosary along to pray**. With their backs turned, their propensity to mumble and use of Latin, many priests cannot be heard or understood.
That’s right. Traditionally, the Rosary is said 1/2 hr Before Mass. Then a Chaplet after Mass.

ps. Many NOM “priests” should not be heard or understood.
lest you fall into herery and apostasy.

QUIT TAKING CHEAP SHOTS!!! All you do is prove just how ignorant you are on the subject.
Frankly, I like cheap shots. They’re very revealing, and you can actually have fun making a parody out of them.
The Mass is the perfect prayer and I do not believe it is appropriate to pray the Rosary during Mass…that is just not right. The Rosary prior to Mass or afterwards is ok…but not during. Private prayer is not allowed during Mass.
Praying the rosary is absolutely allowed during Latin mass.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion as to whether or not its appropriate or not for yourself, but its licit and definitely not an abuse.
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