My first indult TLM: What to bring, What to expect?

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Originally Quoted by tcraig:
FSSP priests are like other priests in that some are more pastoral, or more appealing, than others. However, they are not afraid to preach the “hard truth” to their parishioners, which is something sorely needed in this day and age. My FSSP parish is the only church I’ve attended where I’ve heard preaching on modesty, birth control, confession and penance, the Catholic Church being the one true church, etc. I know that there are NO parishes where this preaching does occur, but I’ve never attended one and heard it.
Interesting. Several, though not all, of the NO parishes around me do touch on these issues, though not exclusively. Because I’m a college student and move back and forth a lot, I’ve reguarily attended services and heard sermons at four different parishes–the cathedral parish in my city, my home parish, the parish where my prayer group is held, and the parish where I went to college. The cathedral parish, in its sermons (I only went on weekdays on my lunch break, so I can’t say about Sunday), were generally reflective and gently exhorted us to improve our relationship with God. The sermons at my home parish are generally conservative. We have a “mon” who is up there in his years, and he is not afraid to mention sensitive issues. However, while critical, his temper is usually simply serious. The prayer group parish is perhaps a little too “Prosetant” for me. It’s usually a feel good sermon and a feel good service. The college sermons were even less conservative–basically never touching upon the reality of sin, abortion, etc.–but always emphasizing faith, hope, the presence of God in your lives, etc.

So, I suppose that the topics are on a parish by parish, priest by priest basis. I personally like the manner by which NO priests speak, but I sometimes wish they’d be a little more assertive on key moral issues.
Priests are just like everyone else, some good some bad.

You have to understand that the Priest in a Traditional Mass has a quite different position than a Priest in N.O. Mass. In the Traditional Mass the Priest is not merely “presiding” at the supper. Through the power of God, and the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the Priest represents Jesus Christ himself offering our unbloody sacrifice to God in atonement for the sins of the world. The Priest in giving the Homily will often address some aspect of behavior that he finds to be against the laws of God. They usually try to tie iit in to the reading, although not always. Since most people today don’t seem to believe in sin or that they can sin, these messages can often seem petty, tyrannical and downright judgemental. I have actually had my feelings hurt because the Priest happened to hit upon something that I had done and felt guilty for. It felt as if I was being put on public display. Terrible feeling. But I survived, and grew spiritually as a result.

I can certainly understand why someone who has been led to believe that the Mass is all about good feelings and self edification would not be real comfortable with a Priest pointing out human frailities, weaknesses and sin. But understand this please, the Mass helps to prepare your soul for eternity. Even though or maybe because we live in an age where our own self worth and opinion of ourselves matters more than God, we often reject any criticisms of ourselves. We are what matters, our self fulfillment, our dreams our goals nothing else. We are what is important.

As a schoolboy I remember reading a small pamphlet that the Sisters gave out. It had been written by a Nun in some contemplative order, although I cannot remember which one. I do remember the joy and happiness that seemed to fill every page. And I especially remember the last words and I think they mean as much now as they did then and kind of put the whole thing in perspective.


I’m glad that you found the Traditional Mass to be somewhat positive, and hope that your relationship with God will grow as a result.

Priests at Novus Ordo Masses aren’t merely functionaries going through the motions. They are acting In Persona Christi just as a Priest at a Tridentine Mass does.
Priests at Novus Ordo Masses aren’t merely functionaries going through the motions. They are acting In Persona Christi just as a Priest at a Tridentine Mass does.
Believe ut or not, I actually attend Novus Ordo Masses quite frequently, and did so for years and years because no Traditional Mass was available. I have spoken to many many N.O. priests over the years. From what they said by and large the congregation acted as Christ in the Mass and the Priest led them in that direction. Thats all, merely led them so they could act as Christ. Now if I had heard this from one or even several priests I would dismiss it. But I heard this from many, almost all.

It would appear that modern liturgical thinking and current church thinking relegates the Priests status to that of presider and elevates the congregation as a whole to the Royal Priesthood. In fact I suppose it is from that very theory where the idea came about that without the congregation there is no Eucharist.

I could be very wrong about this, but these words came from the Priests mouths, not mine. So you will have to excuse me if I have this wrong. I heard it from them.
I personally like the manner by which NO priests speak, but I sometimes wish they’d be a little more assertive on key moral issues.
Well, subject matter aside, I’ve heard good NO priests/speakers and bad ones. Same with the FSSP priests. I think you either like or don’t like the way a particular priest delivers a sermon; it’s more of a subjective, personal reaction.

The difference is that the FSSP priests generally focus on the things that will (or won’t) help you get to heaven. That has been my personal experience, at least.
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