My First Mass....

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Dearest Les

I won’t tell a living soul, but you just did :rotfl: . Today I went to Mass and after Mass I went for a conversation with our Lord before the Blessed Sacrament and guess what???.. I cried, a very kind old woman who does sacristy duty in my church, whom I love dearly came to speak to me having seen I was crying, she tried to console me with some words of kindness and I had to explain…‘I don’t know why I cry, I am not sad, I just cry and it looks crazy but it isn’t’… she, to my surprise. said she did the same thing and that she understood and said it was better to have a soft heart warm and open than a stone for a heart. How very right she is.

To all those who cry in Jesus in love, …God Bless you one and each

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thank you for sharing your soul with us.

I believe it would be impossible to count our number.

I couldn’t find a catechism or a missal or anything like that at the bookstore.
You’re not going to believe how easy it is to get a Catholic Catechism. You won’t even have to get up out of your chair.
Just go to eBay. Type in “Catholic” in the search, or “Catholic books” to narrow it down. To be even more precise, just type in “Catholic Catechism.” The variety of items is astonishing.

You’ll be looking for the latest Catechism printed, though they’re all good, and our doctrines haven’t changed, but the newest one is, of course the easiest for us to understand because it was written for this generation of Catholics. It covers everything imaginable.

On eBay, I normally see Catechisms going for about $3.50 for soft cover. At that price, I’m tempted to snatch up a few and put them on our parish bookshelf, or give them away to folks who are interested in learning about the Faith.

Well, I only read as far as post #17 before posting this, and I can hardly wait to get to the bottom of this thread to see how your first Mass went, but hope this info is helpful in some small way…

God Bless. <><
I couldn’t find a catechism or a missal or anything like that at the bookstore.

This is a weblink to Walmart online, probably some off the most reasonably priced missals. But I wouldn’t count on them being in Walmart stores, you’ll probably have to order on line.

Here’s a link if you want to read the catechism on line (above).

Here’s an explanation of the basics of the Mass(above)

If you have a thrift (salvation army type) store in your area you may be able to find a really nice Catholic Bible for very cheap. At the one by my house all Bibles are $2 (even the beautiful family edition ones.) You may find a missal there too but theres a good chance it will be an older one that it isn’t current.
Ok, Thanks everyone for your posts…

UPDATE…there will be no mass for me this weekend:( .

I’ve come down with some awful flu and have been throwing up all night.
Awwwwwww, I had the same miserable thing last Sunday night. So sorry to hear.
Get lots of rest.
Don’t be too quick to jump right back into the swing of things (including regular foods) as soon as you feel better. It has a nasty kick-back effect.
Just lay low and let your body catch up with you again…
Feel better soon.
Hey everyone…

I’m slightly over my flu…I can eat real food now!! I didn’t go to mass because I was still very sick…so hopefully next week.

Thanks for all your replies, they mean very much to me and are very comforting. For all of you who prayed for me, thank you!!

I just watched The Passion last night. Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life. I cried so much it hurt…and then didn’t sleep the rest of the night. Such a powerful movie. My husband even cried, he normally doesn’t. He was severely creeped out by that baby though.

I even got to defend christianity last night. We have this room mate (to share the cost of bills, not because we really want him there…looooong story) and he decided to share with us his oh-so philosophical views on the movie. He is an athiest, then you have my husband…a born-again evangelical christian, and me, the reluctant christian/catholic who believes in God, and Jesus, but no specific denomination (as of yet)…it made for a serious interesting debate…actually, he made me want to throw a bible at him…maybe the real facts of what actually happened would sink into his brain that way…Anyway, he felt that Jesus and Satan throughout the movie, were…wait for it…Wizards. They were battling for the ultimate power over the universe. He said that Mel gibson chose not to include that parts of the gospels that portrayed this because many christians would be angry since the gospels include jesus using witchcraft…and so out came the bible.

I shake my head at such ignorance…
Hey everyone…

I’m slightly over my flu…I can eat real food now!! I didn’t go to mass because I was still very sick…so hopefully next week.

Thanks for all your replies, they mean very much to me and are very comforting. For all of you who prayed for me, thank you!!

I just watched The Passion last night. Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life. I cried so much it hurt…and then didn’t sleep the rest of the night. Such a powerful movie. …
I know!! :cool:
I even got to defend christianity last night. We have this room mate (to share the cost of bills, not because we really want him there…looooong story) and he decided to share with us his oh-so philosophical views on the movie. He is an athiest, then you have my husband…a born-again evangelical christian, and me, the reluctant christian/catholic who believes in God, and Jesus, but no specific denomination (as of yet)…it made for a serious interesting debate…actually, he made me want to throw a bible at him…maybe the real facts of what actually happened would sink into his brain that way…Anyway, he felt that Jesus and Satan throughout the movie, were…wait for it…Wizards. They were battling for the ultimate power over the universe. He said that Mel gibson chose not to include that parts of the gospels that portrayed this because many christians would be angry since the gospels include jesus using witchcraft…and so out came the bible.

I shake my head at such ignorance…
Sounds pretty gnostic to me…
How long are weekday masses…usually…I think I might go to one tomorrow?
I’m excited for you! My first attendance at a mass was by myself too. I had read about Catholicism and determined to unite myself to it, and so betook myself to a church. Tell us how it was for you after you get there! As for the rite of mass, the pauline rite is the most beautiful thing this side of heaven. Some “traditionalists” will insist that the older rite is more beautiful, but they are seeing beauty only in a peculiar way. The pauline rite is every bit as beautiful and reverent. The humblest mass is more beautiful than the most lavish opera, than the most sumptuous home, and even than the most exquisite landscape (although the latter is made by God, and points to Him).
How long are weekday masses…usually…I think I might go to one tomorrow?
Typically, about 30min. But it’s not as solemn as Sunday Masses.

Going to Mass for the first time on a weekday can be a more intinimate experience, whereas on a Sunday, more splendorous.

God bless.
Thanks augustine…although it’s not sunday…it’s good for a start I think!!!
How long are weekday masses…usually…I think I might go to one tomorrow?
At my parish there are two priests, one “emeritus”. The typical scenario is that the pastor’s mass is about 25 minutes, and the mass offered by the priest emeritus is about 45 minutes, but the latter always gives a homily and has time to do so, while the pastor has a parish to maintain. When the pastor gives a homily his mass becomes also about 45 minutes. Early-morning masses are offered in a way that should not disrupt travelers too much; the Church adapts to the needs of the faithful, and I would expect it to be generally 20-30 minutes with a brief or no homily. The sacrifice/meal is the most important thing anyway. Of course they do give the Scripture readings even at a shorter mass. They just tend to omit the homily. You can always read about the Scriptures online if you like: in the morning during the week people are in a hurry, but want to make time for Our Lord to enter their lives, and give Him thanks and praise. Weekday masses are quieter as well as shorter.
although it’s not sunday…it’s good for a start I think!!!
Mass is always a good start, a prefiguration of Heaven, hopefully our eternal home!
Well, did you go? What did you think? Do you have any questions? Any experiences you want to share?

Sorry, my internet has been messed up for quite a while. Though i haven’t gone yet…this flu turned out to be pneumonie (YAY) and I haven’t quite recovered. I will be going the next weekend I am feeling up to the bus ride and I will definetly keep you posted!! Thanks for remebering me Jen!!!
Though i haven’t gone yet . . . I will be going the next weekend

I’m not sure where in Canada you live, but if you live in Toronto, I think you would really enjoy attending Sunday Mass at the Oratory of St. Philip Neri:

The Oratory of St. Philip Neri and Holy Family Church
1372 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(Holy Family is the name of one of the parish churches that is in the custody of the priests of the Oratory)

I visited the Oratory this past spring, and the priests and liturgy there are as orthodox and wonderful as you will find anywhere in the world.

If you live in Montreal, then consider attending Mass at either the Oratory of St. Joseph or the Shrine of St. Anne:

The Oratory of St. Joseph
3800, Queen-Mary Road,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre
10018, avenue Royale
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, Quebec, Canada

I have not visited either of those churches, but I hear good things about them. Does anyone here dis-recommend either of those churches, due to concerns over orthodoxy, illicit liturgies, etc.? ]

I hope this information is in some way useful. I will be praying that you recover your health, and that your first experience at Mass is filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Also, here are three links to three different editions of the official, universal Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Large print, paperback, multiple appendices

Large print, hardcover, multiple appendices

Regular print, mass market paperback, limited appendices.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few books that have “catechism” and/or “catholic” in the title – some of them are quite good, some are really “rotten.” It is always good to have a copy of the official, universal Catechism of the Catholic Church (often abbreviated “CCC”).
Thanks, whosebob, I’ve been looking for catechism on the internet and suprisingly, haven’t found any!!! I must be looking in the wrong places!! I live near toronto so I may visit that oratory one day!

Thanks for the info!!
Okay Saccophagus…pleeeease don’t keep us in suspence:ehh:
Did you go to Mass yet?? a-n-d…what did you think?
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