Good for you was a reply to Retsel saying he never met an atheist that was unreasonable
I believe you have been on the right track, and have handled this situation well. The roads ahead continue to be very difficult for you. Continue to hope, persevere and pray…I’ve failed miserably at getting the balance between being discreet and being secretive. I haven’t deliberately misled him, or not intended to, but he is so aggressive and / or passive aggressive that i feel forced underground. If I say I’m going to church he will make a cutting comment that really hurts and niggles away at me, yet he’s forgotten about it or acts like nothing’s happened.
if he doesn’t believe God, why does he care?But even turned up half way through for the 4th child. Any time religion/God/the church is mentioned he gets angry.
You are his spouse, not his slave. The Bible says that wives should be obedient to their husbands, but it also says that husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church.He hates me reading religious books, and so I don’t in front of him, because it will just be another argument or sarcastic, noting comment.
Oh well. Once again, you are not his slave. Talk to him about it all the more. You should be concerned with his soul.Any mention of the church makes him angrier.
Exactly. It is reasonable to be cautious.he doesn’t want me to go because it’s still an infection risk and I have to consider him and the family. It’s not just about me.
This, a thousand times. You don’t deserve to live in fear, @Jessie, and your children don’t deserve to see their mother afraid of their father. Walking on eggshells is bad for all of you. Please talk to a counselor.The fear of his temper, the hiding even a book, please, talk to a counselor. If you can get him to do the same, that will be even better. Your kids are watching, they see FAR MORE than you realize. Love does not fear the other person.
I could have written that sentence. And add confession too.By the way darling, I’ve been going for spiritual direction for a year, didn’t I mention it?
That’s how I feel too.It feels like an affair. But it’s with God and the church.
I wonder why he’s so angry maybe something happened in his pastBut, my husband, over the years became increasingly angry with His, the church, me for going to church.
I wouldn’t put it int hose terms. I would put it in terms more like: “My faith is important to me, and i feel like I cannot express that freely in our home. i would like to sit with a councilor and see if we can work through it together.” a common technique I hear when people are asking how to get their spouse to go to counselling is to never say that the other person is the cause of the problem. They become defensive and refuse to go. If you say that 'I have a problem" or , “I feel” they’re less likely to become defensive.He would under no circumstances consider he needed therapy, and I 'm just picturing the scene when I suggest he should consider psychistric help as he doesn’t believe in God and is angry because i do!
You suggest therapy because you are afraid of his anger issues and you do not want them to have one more day of impact on your kids.I 'm just picturing the scene when I suggest he should consider psychistric help as he doesn’t believe in God and is angry because i
This is true, but, OP, it seems you have a part in the ‘neglect’, too.It’s your marriage; it has fallen into neglect.
If it wasn’t God and the church it would be something else. How you look, family, friends, housekeeping, job or even what you eat and drink.
The Church is just the primary way he shows his disrespect.
Getting it back into balance is what need to learn, not new ways of hiding
Wow! That is very rare, and awsome!My priest (brave man) recently offered to speak with him